河北工业大学 Certified
China Education/Training
About us Company Profile
河北工业大学的前身是创办于 1903 年的北洋工艺学堂,是我国最早的培养工业人才的高等学校,创办了全国最早的高校校办工厂。1929 年改称河北省立工业学院,1995 年更名为河北工业大学。115 年来,学校始终秉承“勤慎公忠”的校训精神,坚持“工学并举”的办学...
project requirement
Joint research and development of graphene/metal composites prepared by molecular mixing spray drying in-situ composite


release time:2023-06-06

release unit:河北工业大学

core technology:powder metallurgy

demand unit:Hebei University of Technology

cooperation mode:Project cooperation

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Preparation of high-performance green transportation materials from bulk industrial and urban solid waste and key research and development technologies


release time:2023-06-06

release unit:河北工业大学

demand unit:Hebei University of Technology

cooperation mode:unlimited

participate in the project
Research on the Removal of Nitrogen Oxides from Air Pollution Sources


release time:2023-06-06

release unit:河北工业大学

demand unit:Hebei University of Technology

cooperation mode:unlimited

participate in the project
Optimization Design of Lithium Battery and Bending Energy Collector Based on Multi physical Field Strength Coupling Analysis Method


release time:2023-06-06

release unit:河北工业大学

demand unit:Hebei University of Technology

cooperation mode:unlimited

participate in the project
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