Hebei Province (Xingtai City) Advanced Equipment Manufacturing "Double Innovation" Demonstration Base

industry field:Education/Training
release unit:河北机电职业技术学院
demand unit:Hebei Mechanical and Electrical Vocational and Technical College
cooperation mode:unlimited
2023-06-06 18:16:28 11
Project description
After the completion of the project, it can promote the deep integration of industry and education, school enterprise cooperation, achievement transformation, innovation and entrepreneurship, technical skill training, and technical services. It can undertake various skill competitions at national, provincial, and municipal levels and cultivate over 3600 undergraduate and vocational talents in equipment manufacturing every year, providing technical and skilled talent support for the construction and development of the Beijing Tianjin Hebei integrated economy. The project covers an area of 200 acres, with a total construction area of 86500 square meters and a total investment of 800 million yuan, including 236 million yuan in construction investment (including related supporting facilities) and 564 million yuan in intelligent manufacturing equipment investment. The project covers an area of 200 acres, with a total construction area of 86500 square meters and a total investment of 800 million yuan, including 236 million yuan in construction investment (including related supporting facilities) and 564 million yuan in intelligent manufacturing equipment investment. The brief overview of the project construction is "one factory, one park, four centers, and four platforms". The "One Factory" is an intelligent manufacturing factory, and the "One Park" is an innovation and entrepreneurship incubation park. The "Four Centers" are the intelligent manufacturing industry solution center, new energy vehicle technology center, robot technology center, and drone technology center. The "Four Platforms" are intelligent manufacturing talent education and training platforms, intelligent connected vehicle research and development platforms, big data and industrial cloud application platforms, and intelligent manufacturing research and development public service platforms.


contact information:

company address:河北省唐山市建设北路156号

Company profile:唐山师范学院是河北省一所全日制普通本科高等院校。学校创办于1956年,2000年经教育部批准升格为本科院校。学校现有全日制本、专科学生17000多人,设有15个教学单位,51个本科招生专业,涵盖文学、理学、法学、经济学、历史学、教育学、管理学、农学、艺术学、工学10个学科门类。学校重视继续教育工作,近年来,在国家级中小学、幼儿园骨干教师培训评估中连续获得较好成绩。学校素有“冀东教师摇篮”之称,为唐山市培养了80%的中小学教师和85%的中小学校长。新时期,学校将为建设“学生满意、家长满意、教职工满意、社会满意、党和政府满意”的“五满意”高水平应用型大学而努力奋斗!

  • 2022-11-02 18:02 *** 电话联系了该立项企业
  • 2022-11-02 18:02 *** 电话联系了该立项企业
  • 2022-11-02 18:02 *** 电话联系了该立项企业
  • 2022-11-02 18:02 *** 电话联系了该立项企业
  • 2022-11-02 18:02 *** 电话联系了该立项企业
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