Bulletproof and radiation resistant ultra-high polymer materials

industry field:Equipment manufacturing
release unit:保定福然德皮具制造有限公司
demand unit:Baoding Furande Leather Manufacturing Co., Ltd
cooperation mode:unlimited
2023-06-06 18:16:28 6
Project description
By changing the arrangement order of ultra-high polymers, adding new elements, and improving the performance and function of ultra-high polymer materials, the new ultra-high polymer materials are combined with the structure of daily clothing and bags to become concealed protective equipment that can be used daily. By transforming the structure of clothing and bags, they can quickly transform and greatly increase their usage scenarios. They can not only respond to various emergencies in the civilian community, but also be suitable for special groups of people. Due to its extensive performance, it is also widely used in the battlefield. The main principle is to change the arrangement order of ultra-high polymers, add new elements, and improve the performance and function of ultra-high polymer materials. At the same time, the new ultra-high polymer materials are combined with the structure of daily clothing and bags to become concealed protective equipment that can be used daily. By transforming the structure of clothing and bags, they can quickly transform and greatly increase their usage scenarios. They can not only respond to various emergencies in the civilian community, but also be suitable for special groups of people. Due to its extensive performance, it is also widely used in the battlefield. The improved ultra-high polymer material in the field of materials can achieve the ability to prevent sharp tool piercing, blunt impact, bullet impact, fragment impact, and radiation attack. Our materials, with an area of 25 * 30cm per year, can withstand NIJIIIA level firearms, impact grenade shrapnel radiation and radioactive attacks from the 12 meter sprint of military knives. Prevent users under 100 kilograms from drowning. Technical characteristics and advantages: Changing the arrangement order of ultra-high polymers and adding new elements. The material advantage makes it lighter, stronger, and more widely used than traditional ultra-high polymer materials. The advantages of the mechanism enable the daily clothes and bags to be quickly deformed. The traditional bulletproof vest can be quickly worn to solve the problem of rapid emergency response. Comparison of relevant technologies at home and abroad and future trends. Our materials, such as 25 * 30cm, weigh about 0.2kg, have a durability difference of about 2 years less than ours, and have fewer usage scenarios (without the possibility of drowning prevention, radiation prevention, and blunt instrument protection). Our usage scenarios (military and police) can also be used for civilian or special purposes. The future trend is that new materials will be more lightweight on their original basis, have a wider range of applications, and can cope with more scenarios. They will be widely used in both civil and military, as well as aerospace. Technical support from Xilai University, University of California, Fullerton, and Hebei University. Harbin Institute of Technology (Weihai) Capital Overseas Returnees Technology Innovation Achievement Transformation Investment Fund (limited partnership) Beijing Hongyi Capital Singapore Xiangde Capital Hebei Baoding Xinyuan Derunda New Material Industrial Park


contact information:

company address:保定市白沟镇

Company profile:成立于2017年,是一家具有自主研发能力,自主品牌的贸易型生产企业,由回国华人投资,母公司TraderhopeCo.成立于2014年美国洛杉矶帕萨迪纳。本公司主要面向北美洲市场,主要品牌有Itlbag,Ifriendbag等国际品牌,公司设有市场部和研发部,市场部在距离雄安新区10分钟的白沟新城,研发部门设立在雄安新区内部。公司的信念是用真诚的心服务社会,同时为员工创造财富。公司主要产品是智能箱包,包括商务背包,学生包,登山包,骑行包,服务老年人和儿童的防走失包,服务残疾人的智能包等。产品深受美国加拿大墨西哥大众喜爱,曾获得洛杉矶Rosemead市创业大赛最佳项目奖。ICSOSE2015钻石奖,ICDEEI2016年度最佳新品奖,ICITS2017最受欢迎设计奖等多数国际奖项。保定福然德皮具制造有限公司办公室地址位于有3000多年历史,清为直隶总督署--保定,保定 白沟新城和道国际,公司成立以来发展迅速,业务不断发展壮大,在职员工有10人,,我公司与多家保定零售商和代理商建立了长期稳定的合作关系,品种齐全

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  • 2022-11-02 18:02 *** 电话联系了该立项企业
  • 2022-11-02 18:02 *** 电话联系了该立项企业
  • 2022-11-02 18:02 *** 电话联系了该立项企业
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