Control and Optimization of Enzymatic Crystallization of Cefalexin

core technology:Intelligent optimization of Cefalexin
industry field:Biological medicine
release unit:华北制药集团有限责任公司
demand unit:North China Pharmaceutical Group Group Co., Ltd
cooperation mode:Project cooperation
2023-07-12 13:53:31 6
Project description

Cefalexin is the base drug of a large amount of antibiotic products related to the national economy and the people's livelihood in China, and occupies a large proportion in the pharmaceutical market in China and the world. The new round of competition elements in the field of API have gradually changed from the past capacity scale and cost competition to "green" competitiveness such as Waste minimisation, cleaner production processes and the resulting product quality superiority.
At present, the application capability of enzymatic technology is becoming a new competitive highland in the Chinese and foreign raw material drug markets. Compared to previous laboratory level technological research, the focus of competition today is on the research and development speed of key crystallization technologies for enzymatic technology products.
Due to the application of Immobilized enzyme, the organic solvent used in the reaction of Cefalexin enzyme synthesis is an aqueous phase, which greatly reduces the emission of VOC, which is beneficial to the previous process. However, due to the large changes in the system of the previous process, it poses a great challenge to the later crystallization; Due to the technological advancements of foreign manufacturers, the quality of competitors' products has also significantly improved, resulting in a significant increase in the current technical threshold.
Countries of interest: The
main problem that the UK plans to solve through the project: Cefalexin is a base drug for a large amount of antibiotic products in China, which is related to the national economy and the people's livelihood, and occupies a large proportion in China and the global pharmaceutical market. The new round of competition elements in the field of API have gradually changed from the past capacity scale and cost competition to "green" competitiveness such as Waste minimisation, cleaner production processes and the resulting product quality superiority.
At present, the application capability of enzymatic technology is becoming a new competitive highland in the Chinese and foreign raw material drug markets. Compared to previous laboratory level technological research, the focus of competition today is on the research and development speed of key crystallization technologies for enzymatic technology products.
Due to the technological advancements of foreign manufacturers, the quality of competitors' products has also significantly improved, resulting in a significant increase in the current technical threshold.


contact information:

company address:河北省石家庄市和平东路388号

Company profile:华北制药集团有限责任公司(简称:华药集团)位于河北省省会石家庄市。前身华北制药厂是中国“一五”计划期间的重点建设项目,1953年6月开始筹建,1958年6月建成投产,开创了我国大规模生产抗生素的历史,为人类健康事业、民族制药工业发展和改变我国缺医少药局面做出了重要贡献。1992年重组设立华北制药股份有限公司,1994年在上交所挂牌上市(股票名称:华北制药600812)。1996年1月,华北制药厂正式改制为国有独资公司——华北制药集团有限责任公司。2009年6月,经河北省政府批准,冀中能源集团对华药集团实施了重组。 华北制药集团有限责任公司是一家从事制药行业投资管理,技术转让,技术咨询等业务的公司,成立于1995年12月29日,公司坐落在河北省,详细地址为:河北省石家庄市长安区和平东路388号;法人是肖明建,注册资本为134564.650000万人民币,企业的经营范围为:对制药行业的投资与管理;制药技术的技术开发、技术转让、技术咨询、技术服务;通讯器材(不含无线及移动电话、地面卫星接收设备)、电子产品、金属材料 、建材、工艺礼品、化妆品、橡塑制品、机械设备、焦炭、铁矿石、铁精粉、化工产品(不含危险化学品)、饲料、其他农副产品、办公用品、劳保用品、纸及纸制品(国家规定禁止的和需经前置审批的除外)、纺织品、五金、机械配件的销售;工业用淀粉、淀粉糖、玉米油、玉米浆、蛋白粉、豆粉、油饼、饼粕(以上限工业原料用)的销售;化肥批发;制药技术的信息咨询服务;货物仓储(法律、法规规定需审批的除外);承包与其实力、规模、业绩相适应的国外工程项目;对外派遣实施上述境外工程所需的劳务人员;自有房屋出租;集团内部职工技能培训服务;人力资源服务;旅游服务;食品添加剂的销售;以下范围限分支机构经营:日用百货、烟、酒的零售;批发兼零售预包装食品、散装食品、乳制品(含婴幼儿配方乳粉);计生用品(以上涉及许可的凭许可证在有效期内经营)

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  • 2022-11-02 18:02 *** 电话联系了该立项企业
  • 2022-11-02 18:02 *** 电话联系了该立项企业
  • 2022-11-02 18:02 *** 电话联系了该立项企业
  • 2022-11-02 18:02 *** 电话联系了该立项企业
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