Enterprise Technical Advisor

education requirement:doctor
industry field:Education/Training
cooperation mode:Hire experts
release unit:河北爱能生物科技股份有限公司
2023-07-14 08:00:00 6
Position description
Requirement: 1. Possess an international perspective, be able to have some insight into the future development direction of international medical devices and biomedical materials, and ensure to achieve international advanced levels in the field of projects carried out. 2. Doctoral degree or above, with outstanding abilities, can be extended to the master's degree level. 3. Possess certain leadership skills and be able to lead the team through the entire project development process.
Requirements introduction
Requirement: 1. Possess an international perspective, be able to have some insight into the future development direction of international medical devices and biomedical materials, and ensure to achieve international advanced levels in the field of projects carried out. 2. Doctoral degree or above, with outstanding abilities, can be extended to the master's degree level. 3. Possess certain leadership skills and be able to lead the team through the entire project development process.
provide welfare
Treatment: The company will provide competitive treatment for foreign talents, including salary, housing, spouse and children's work, enrollment, etc., all of which will be arranged reasonably to dispel their worries.


company address:石家庄黄河大道136号

Company profile:<p>河北爱能生物科技股份有限公司成立于2013年5月,注册资金3375万,是一家从事高端植/介入生物组织再生工程材料和微创介入医疗器械的研发、生产与销售的高科技企业。2015年被河北省科技厅认定为国际科技合作示范企业。</p><p>河北爱能致力于高端生物医学材料的研发、生产及销售,公司产品主要包括可降解生物医学材料、脱细胞生物医学材料、微创介入生物医学工程三大系列产品及保健食品,现已具备完善的III类、II类医疗器械产业化运营体系。公司拥有4000平方米现代化生物医学材料研发中心,配备了先进的设备仪器和符合质量管理体系规范的洁净车间,同时拥有完善的项目管理和商业运营机制,并且搭建了三大技术应用平台,申报了7项国家发明专利,6项实用新型专利,3项外观设计,并引进了5项专利技术。公司与北京大学、中国人民解放军总医院、南开大学、天津医科大学、俄罗斯科学院等国内外著名科研机构和知名高校建立了良好的合作交流机制,拥有国内一流的专家顾问团队。</p><p>河北爱能视质量为生命,视诚信为根本,以市场为导向,以科技为支撑,力争打造中国生物医学材料行业领军品牌!</p><p><br/></p>

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  • 2022-11-02 18:02 *** 电话联系了该立项企业
  • 2022-11-02 18:02 *** 电话联系了该立项企业
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