R&D Director

education requirement:unlimited
industry field:Biological medicine
cooperation mode:Hire experts
release unit:河北天成药业股份有限公司
2023-06-06 11:46:02 1
Position description
Provide technical guidance, lead the team, conduct product development and obtain approval
Requirements introduction
In recent years, our company has actively introduced international professional talents to form a dedicated team to prepare for the EU GMP certification. We successfully passed the EU certification on-site audit in July 2018 and obtained the EU GMP certification certificate in November 2019. In September 2017, Dutch expert Marco Albada Jelgersma was hired as the EU quality auditor. Mr. Marco is a senior pharmacist and EU regulatory consultant in the EU. Mr. Marco carefully understands the current production status, laboratory experiments, GMP document writing progress, and provides technical services and professional technical guidance for the accuracy, timeliness, and completeness of our company's production, operation, and confirmation. In September 2017, Dr. Fang, an American expert who was a former FDA auditor and had extensive experience in GMP in the United States and the European Union, was introduced. After many communications, the expert conducted a gap analysis on the current situation of our company and American and European standards, comprehensively and systematically evaluated the GMP work preparation, proposed the assessment of the problems and defects in the current work, and proposed the implementation plan to improve and strengthen GMP management in the future, so as to promote our company to pass the EU certification successfully. In April 2018, in order to ensure the smooth passage of the EU official audit, LUCIANOMASSIANTONIO was hired to conduct a phased work audit. This audit was conducted in full accordance with the requirements of on-site GMP inspections in Europe and America, recording the compliance of personnel with the implementation of GMP regulations in Europe and America under various dynamic conditions. At the same time, conduct in-depth and detailed checks on the compliance of current GMP documents and records in different modules. The expert clearly stated that at the current level, our company's software and hardware have basically met the GMP requirements of the European Union and FDA, strengthening our confidence in passing the official on-site audit of the European Union at once. In July 2018, JOANNAEWAMANIA was hired as our company's EU quality auditor. She is a senior pharmaceutical consultant in the EU. Through this consulting work, we will confirm that the project meets EU regulatory requirements and welcome the formal on-site audit. She went deep into the workshop and pointed out the existing problems and areas for improvement. In terms of product registration in Europe, we also carefully explain the requirements of EU regulations. JOANNA's attitude of striving for excellence has left a deep impression on our employees and reflects the severity of the drug production process in EU countries. From July 16th to 20th, 2018, our company received a 5-day rigorous and meticulous inspection of the software and hardware systems by the Portuguese official GMP prosecutor. The four prosecutors unanimously believed that our company's quality management system was sound and had met the inspection requirements for EU GMP certification. In November 2019, Italian experts ANGELOCONSOLARO and BRUNOXOMPERO were introduced. These two experts have years of development experience in the field of blowing, filling, and sealing equipment. Through multiple communications and exchanges, as well as on-site guidance and careful training for our company's technical personnel, they conducted in-depth and detailed inspections in modules, enabling our company's technical personnel to grasp the operation of the equipment. The expected results have been achieved, and the software and hardware aspects of the device have been further improved. In the future, our company will continue to implement talent introduction projects, introduce foreign experts, guide and promote the entry of anti-tumor drug products into the international market.


company address:河北省沧州市

Company profile:  河北天成药业股份有限公司始建于1970年,是一家集生产、销售、研发为一体的大型专业化制药企业,1998年由国有企业改制为有限公司,2010年3月改制为股份有限公司,下设三个子公司“河北道恩药业有限公司”,“河北诺特药业有限公司”、“天津应天成科技有限公司”,是沧州市综合性化学制药企业。多年来,公司秉承“制好药,为人民”的企业宗旨和“勤诚立业,精新致远”的文化理念开疆扩土,锐意进取,先后获得 “河北省企业技术中心”、“河北省高新技术企业”、“河北医药工业十强企业”、“河北省战略性新兴产业领军企业”、“河北省技术创新中心”等称号。公司现有员600余人,其中专职研发人员120人。公司建立了完善的药品生产质量管理体系和安全管理体系,制定了详细可行的管理文件和SOP,保证药品质量和安全生产管理要求。公司拥有现代化的生产车间、先进生产线、国际高标准的物流传输装置。产品囊括大容量注射剂、小容量注射剂、粉针剂、片剂、颗粒剂等五个剂型200余个品种,畅销全国各省、市及地区,部分产品销售到乌兹别克斯坦、俄罗斯、东南亚、非洲和南美洲等30多个地区和国家。企业目前拥有新药证书4个,仿制药50多个,国内注册产品203个,国际注册产品证书150个。获得市科技局科技奖励4项。获得专利15项,其中发明专利5项。另有2项发明专利正在申报,已被受理。我公司科技研发立项52项,其中立项6个降糖药,7个抗癌药,8个原料药品种。  全资子公司--河北道恩药业有限公司,于2014年投资1.2亿元在沧州经济开发区建设。公司按照欧盟、美国FDA高标准建设,以研发、生产专业小分子和低毒脂质体抗肿瘤药物为发展方向,目前已拥有两个国外抗肿瘤药物的批准文号,于2019年11月份顺利取得欧盟GMP认证证书,自此,企业获得欧盟高端市场的准入权。同时,公司正在采取自主研发和引进合作的方式,不断获得国内和国际抗肿瘤药物批准文号,将形成新的经济增长点。全资子公司--河北诺特药业有限公司,原料药项目建设已全面启动,该项目按照欧盟、FDA设计标准建设,占地216亩,预计总投资5.8亿元,项目分二期建设。一期项目已建成,完成总投资2亿元,正在试生产,预计2020年6月正式投产,可实现年产160吨原料药,预计实现销售收入10亿元,利税3亿元。同时实现从原料药至制剂的全产业链的建设,形成市场核心竞争力,使产品质量更有保证。    全资子公司--天津应天成科技有限公司,主攻创新制剂及高难度制剂的开发,提高企业技术创新能力,提高市场竞争力,公司已培养一批高素质、高研发能力的核心人才,为企业的发展创造不竭动力,力争用五到十年时间实现在抗癌药和降糖药领域向国际看齐。

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  • 2022-11-02 18:02 *** 电话联系了该立项企业
  • 2022-11-02 18:02 *** 电话联系了该立项企业
  • 2022-11-02 18:02 *** 电话联系了该立项企业
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