Teaching and Research Post

education requirement:unlimited
industry field:Education/Training
cooperation mode:Hire experts
release unit:河北师范大学
2023-06-06 14:07:31 1
Position description
Teaching and Research Post
Requirements introduction
(1) Job description: Teaching and research position (40 people) (2) Job requirements: Philosophy, Education, Management, Psychology, History, Archaeology, Foreign Language and Literature, Music and Dance, Fine Arts, Journalism and Communication, Law, Economics, Mathematics, Computer Science and Technology, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Geography, Sports, Electronic Science and Technology Major in Power Engineering and Engineering Thermophysics. Including multiple majors such as natural sciences and humanities and social sciences. (3) High level leading talents and outstanding experts in talent treatment: The treatment is negotiable. Elite Level 1 Talents: Provide an annual salary of 300000 to 600000 yuan for settling down expenses, ranging from 800000 to 1.2 million yuan. Provide research initiation fees according to research needs, including 1 to 10 million yuan for science and engineering majors and 500000 to 1.5 million yuan for humanities and social sciences majors to arrange spouse work. Elite second level talents: Provide an annual salary of 200000 to 350000 yuan for settling in, and allocate 200000 to 10 million yuan for research initiation fees according to research needs to arrange spouse work. Elite three-level talents: Provide a settlement fee of 200000 to 300000 yuan and an annual salary of 100000 to 300000 yuan for research start-up expenses. Excellent doctoral graduates: Provide a settlement fee of 100000 to 250000 yuan during the first employment period (within 3 years of coming to the university), and provide a living allowance of 1000 yuan per month, with a research start-up fee of 80000 to 150000 yuan. Young scholars with a doctoral degree will be provided with a settlement fee of 60000 to 180000 yuan. During the first employment period (within 3 years of coming to the university), a living allowance of 1000 yuan will be provided, and a research start-up fee of 80000 to 100000 yuan will be paid per month. Teacher postdoctoral (full-time research postdoctoral): Arrange temporary revolving housing or provide rental subsidies with an annual salary of 80-16000 yuan for research initiation fees of 60-80000 yuan. The high-quality basic education resources of the school (Hebei Normal University Affiliated Middle School, Affiliated Experimental Primary and Secondary School, Affiliated Primary School, Affiliated First Kindergarten, Affiliated Second Kindergarten, etc.) provide a good learning environment for children's growth.


company address:河北省石家庄市南二环东路20号

Company profile:河北师范大学的前身是创办于天津的北洋女师范学堂,创办人是天津女学事务总理傅增湘。1929年学校升格为河北省立女子师范学院,院长齐国樑。学院附设师范学校、中学、小学和幼稚园等,形成完整的高等师范教育体系。1949年,学校更名为河北师范学院。1956年,河北师范学院的数学系、物理系、化学系、地理系、体育系和河北北京师范专科学校的生物科,一同迁至石家庄市,成立石家庄师范学院。1962年,更名为河北师范大学,郭沫若先生为学校题写校名。校址石家庄市裕华东路113号。学校占地603亩,建筑面积23.6万平方米。教职工1968名,其中专任教师915人(含正高职70名,副高职353名,讲师406人)。各类在校学生12733名(含硕士研究生157名,全日制本专科学生6417名,留学生14名,成人教育函授、夜大学学生6155名)。教学科研设备17800台(件),总价值3458万元。设数学系、物理学系、化学系、生物学系、地理系、体育系、中文系、政法系、外语系、教育系、历史学系、音乐系、美术系、计算机科学系、电教系和人口学系等16个学系;设马列教学部、公共外语教学部和公共体育教育部等3个公共教学机构。设数学教育、物理教育、电子电工应用技术教育、化学教育、化工技术教育、生物教育、地理教育、体育教育、汉语言文学教育、影视教育、现代文秘、思想品德与政治教育、思想政治教育、法律、英语教育、俄语教育、俄语、音乐教育、表演、美术教育、中国画、油画、心理教育、学前教育、应用心理学、幼儿教育、历史教育、教育技术学、影视教育、计算机科学教育、人口学、国际贸易、土地管理、计量测试技术等34个专业。设基础数学、应用数学、理论物理、凝聚态物理、物理化学、有机化学、植物生理学、动物学、细胞生物学、区域地理、自然地理、体育教育理论与方法(田径)、文艺学、中国现当代文学、英语言文学、普通心理学等16个硕士学位授权学科,1978年开始招收研究生。1981年成为国家首批硕士学位授权单位。设河北省杂交小麦、代用燃料、教育科学、应用化学等26个研究所(室),成为推动基础理论研究和应用技术研究的平台。曾获国家科技进步奖,国家自然科学奖、国家发明奖和部(省)级科技奖励等。根据国际科学引文索引(SCI)对1988—1990三年科技论文检索,学校科技成果在全国高校排名中,与三所兄弟院校共同并列第40位。在全国高师院校中排名并列第4位。另据美国工程索引(EI)对1989、1990、1991年科技文献的检索,学校在国际学术刊物上发表的论文数量,在全国高师院校中分别排名为5、4(并列)、1位。学校与美国、英国、日本、韩国、乌克兰、意大利等8个国家的13所高等院校、科研机构建立合作与交流关系。长期聘请外籍教师授课。学校先后派出87名教师赴9个国家进修、留学或访问讲学,培养了一批骨干教师。

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