English teacher

education requirement:unlimited
industry field:Education/Training
cooperation mode:Hire experts
release unit:保定理工学院
2023-06-06 14:07:31 1
Position description
At least two years of language teaching experience, or a teacher's qualification certificate in the host country, or a TEFL or TESOL international language certificate of more than 120 hours.
Requirements introduction
Requirements: 1. From mother tongue countries such as the United States, the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Ireland, etc. 2. Bachelor's degree or above. 3. At least two years of language teaching experience, or a teacher's qualification certificate in the host country, or a TEFL or TESOL international language certificate of more than 120 hours. Under 4.58 years old. 5. Have good physical health and no criminal record. 6. Love teaching work and have a strong sense of responsibility. 7. Served as a mandatory English speaking course and cultural elective teaching for the 16-18 class week, and participated in other teaching and research work organized by the school. Salary: 1. The basic salary is ¥ 6500 yuan per month, and the specific salary will be determined based on work experience, degree, etc. 2. Enjoy China's statutory paid vacation and paid winter and summer vacations. 3. Free provision of foreign teacher apartments: two bedroom apartments with complete facilities. 4. The school handles international medical insurance for them. 5. Provide first-time airport pick-up services for foreign teachers, and reimburse round-trip economy class international travel tickets for each contract year. 6. The school applies for a work visa for qualified foreign teachers. 7. Provide free Chinese courses for foreign teachers in their spare time.


company address:河北省保定市南二环路1689号

Company profile:<p>保定理工学院(原中国地质大学长城学院)是经国家教育部批准成立,按新机制、新模式举办的独立学院。学校办学层次为全日制普通本科,纳入国家普通高等学校统一招生计划,面向全国招生,目前在校生14000多人。 学校地处历史文化名城—素有北京南大门之称的河北省保定市。</p><p>学校占地面积1400余亩,建筑面积45.6万平方米,具有齐全的教学基础设施、文化体育设施和学生综合服务设施。图书馆藏书130万册,拥有维普《中文科技期刊数据库》、超星电子图书等多个电子期刊数据库。</p><p>目前设有地球科学与资源学院、工程技术学院、艺术学院、经济学院、管理科学与工程学院、外国语学院和基础课教学部、体育课部等8个二级教学单位,开设地质学、土木工程、国际经济与贸易、工程造价、商务英语、数字媒体艺术等37个本科专业,拥有一支数量充足,结构合理的高水平师资队伍,是一所以地学为特色,工科为主体,理、工、经、管、文、艺等多学科协调发展的教学型大学。</p><p><br/></p>

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