Sales Management

education requirement:unlimited
industry field:Equipment manufacturing
cooperation mode:Hire experts
release unit:河北得来利采暖设备有限公司
2023-06-06 14:07:31 2
Position description
Sales Management
Requirements introduction
Salary interview, insurance interview, whether to assist in visa application, whether to assist in visa application, whether to assist in visa application, whether to obtain a residence permit for the first time in China, whether to provide international round-trip airfare for reception, whether to provide international round-trip airfare during vacation interview, whether to arrange for family members, whether to arrange for their children to come to China for medical examination, language course translation (if necessary)


company address:河北耿官屯工业区

Company profile:河北得来利采暖设备有限公司,本公司成立于2018年3月。是一家前身有其它公司转型而来。本公司技术力量雄厚。具有强大的,开发研发的团队。本公司研发的《空气冷热力机》是一种冷热风机。是一种采暖、烘干的领先设备。并喜获国家专利12項。发明专利4项、专利号是(201610142600.0)(201810646219.7)(201810646238.x)(201810646814.0)实用专利专八项、专利利号(201620192831.8)-(201620311863.5)-(201620323907.6)-(201720108120.2)(201720108142.9)(201820962207.0)(201820961649.3)(201820962206.6)。本产品经过三年的实践证明了、本产品是真正达到了高效节能、环保的效果。这也坚定了我公司对发展自主开发、研发自己专利产品的信心。开拓自己的市场。走自己的研发道路。设计、生产、加工、销售、安装为一体。为一体,让客户用上我们环保节能的,优质满意的放心产品。为党和国家提出的环保节能,绿水青山添砖加瓦。

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