Basic information

education requirement:unlimited
industry field:Modern agriculture
cooperation mode:Hire experts
release unit:滦县百信花生种植专业合作社
2023-06-06 11:46:02 1
Position description
Improved breeding
Requirements introduction
From 1991 to 1995, worked at the Luan County Material Bureau from 1996 to 2010, registered as the Luan County New City Baixin Agricultural Materials Service Center. Since 2011, the Luanxian Baixin Peanut Planting Professional Cooperative has been established and served as its chairman. In 2014, it has participated in the training course for leading figures in modern agriculture at China Agricultural University. From September 2014 to June 2015, it studied at Hebei Agricultural Radio and Television School. In 2017, it participated in the drafting and formulation of national high oleic acid peanut product standards. In 2018, participated in the comprehensive reform training and learning of national agricultural standardization. From 2018 to 2020, I participated in the scientific research and experimental activities of the National High Oleic Acid Peanut Promotion Cooperation Group every year. In 2019, due to development needs, the Luan County Baixin Peanut Planting Professional Cooperative, with the support of leaders from the Luanzhou Municipal Bureau of Industry and Information Technology, applied for the 2020 Innovation Ability Enhancement Plan Foreign Expert Introduction Special Project, and hired Dr. GAUNGMINGMA, an environmental scientist and senior pesticide review expert from the California Environmental Protection Agency in the United States. Dr. Ma Guangming is the founder of the China Agricultural Plant Protection Technology Manager (PCA) training system. In 2017, the PCA (PestControl Advisor) in California, USA was introduced to China to provide systematic, comprehensive and scientific pest control technology and services for large-scale growers, together with the local improvement courses of Chinese agricultural experts. In the spring of 2020, the training was postponed due to the epidemic situation. From June to July, Sharon Kwok, the chairman of the board of directors, and the technical personnel of the cooperative successively conducted a training. Later, Dr. GUANGMINGMA could not attend the training site in person for remote network training. Train farmers on the relationship and practical application of food safety and PCA system technology.


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