Introduction and Demonstration Promotion of European Spice Plants

industry field:Modern agriculture
release unit:石家庄森泰园林建筑工程有限公司
demand unit:Shijiazhuang Sentai Garden Construction Engineering Co., Ltd
cooperation mode:unlimited
2023-06-06 18:16:28 16
Project description
1. We need to seek experts in botany and spices from European countries. 2. The first phase of the plan aims to invest 1.5 million yuan to complete the planting pilot promotion of 10000 seedlings and grafting seedlings. The second phase plans to invest another 2 million yuan to expand the planting area to 500 acres, and combine domestic spice variety resources to carry out the cultivation of high-quality varieties, and increase publicity and marketing efforts. Establish a nursery stock resource base and conduct experimental demonstration projects for new variety selection and new technologies. This project aims to introduce European spice plants into China in Luquan District, Shijiazhuang in 2018, establish a nursery stock resource base, and conduct experimental demonstrations for new variety selection and new technologies to promote the specialization and standardization of nursery stock production, improve the ability of good variety breeding, and enrich domestic variety resources. At the same time, after successful trial planting, it can cultivate the development of the local spice industry, and explore a new way for adjusting the agricultural supply side structure, increasing local taxes, and increasing farmers' income. Project value 1. Introduce rare European spice varieties. 2. Enrich domestic plant varieties. 3. Extracting Spices and Enriching Domestic Spice Products. The project is currently based on the Green Island Park in the southeast corner of Luquan City as the launch point. Currently, negotiations are underway in areas such as Luquan, Zhengding, Lingshou, and Yuanshi in Shijiazhuang. The plots that are humid and ventilated, have fertile and loose soil, do not accumulate water after rain, and have sufficient sunlight can be fully utilized, catering to the local government's desire to turn waste land into treasure.


contact information:

company address:石家庄市鹿泉区寺家庄镇森泰农业科技园

Company profile:石家庄森泰园林建筑工程有限公司成立于2002年7月,是一家致力于园林园艺植物繁育推广、生态环境修复整治、湿地保护、产业化项目开发、工程设计施工、涉外贸易、文化传媒、香料研发、康养医游等多元化、集团化发展的综合性企业。先后荣获全国园林绿化行业质量、AAA级十佳示范单位、中国优质农产品协会常务理事单位,河北省农业产业化重点龙头企业、河北省农业产业协会副会长单位,河北省食品安全协会副会长单位,河北省服务名牌企业,河北省农业引智成果示范推广基地,河北省农业产业协会园艺专业委员会主任单位,河北省四星级休闲农业园、石家庄市现代农业园等荣誉30多项。 我们秉承产研结合,推动技术成果转化,先后与中国农科院、中国农业大学、河北农业大学、河北农科院,保加利亚国家农业研究院,罗马尼亚农业大学,泰国农业大学等国内外一流科研院所建立战略联盟,通过“走出去、引进来”战略获得省市区多项奖励。 我们励志做有责任的企业,生产放心的产品,带动周边农户共同致富是我们的使命,积极为当地政府解决就业是我们责任,为此赢得了良好的社会反响和业界口碑。我们坚持改革创新,积极探索新常态下多领域协同发展。以国家“十三五”规划和“一带一路”政策的为契机,不断开拓新的业务发展领域,打破传统界限,运用资本杠杆跨界整合,生态修复、环境治理、湿地整治、景观打造、市政配套建设、土壤优化改良等新的经济增长点。未来三年将打造以“文化旅游、影视制作、休闲度假、康养医游、香料研发、国际交流”等一批新兴产业集群,形成彼此协同、相互支撑的综合性、集团化战略格局。

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