Effective Mining and Key Information Technology Development Based on Multiomics Big Data of Gastric Cancer

industry field:Biological medicine
release unit:河北医科大学第二医院
demand unit:The Second Hospital of Hebei Medical University
cooperation mode:unlimited
2023-06-06 18:16:28 11
Project description
This project establishes a unified quality control standard for biological sample collection of gastric cancer based on the characteristics and disease types of gastric cancer in China. It is based on the big data of multi recombination science (including primary and post metastasis transcriptome, genomics, proteomics, intestinal microbiome, and clinical real world big data), combined with bioinformatics analysis and artificial intelligence analysis based on deep learning, Establish a new method for high-precision identification of genes and epigenetic information related to the pathogenesis and metastasis of gastric cancer, provide personalized treatment plans for gastric cancer through precise molecular typing, and establish a comprehensive gastric cancer risk assessment, precise treatment, and standardized clinical application analysis report system through big data sharing cloud platform, benefiting gastric cancer patients. Based on the large sample of life omics big data of gastric cancer in China, we will develop new technologies and methods for high-precision identification of genes and epigenetic information related to the pathogenesis and metastasis of gastric cancer. We will draw genetic and epigenetic characteristic maps specific to various subtypes of gastric cancer, and verify the molecular and clinical characteristics and mechanisms of recurrence and metastasis of each subtype in the molecular typing of gastric cancer genes, Screening specific molecular markers and drug targets that can be used for precise clinical diagnosis and treatment, constructing a full chain technology system for precise diagnosis and treatment of gastric cancer, and developing a standardized clinical application analysis system. The research focuses on (1) establishing unified quality control standards and inclusion standards for the collection of gastric cancer biological samples, improving and integrating a highly unified biological resource large sample library, (2) building a network cloud platform for big data storage, transmission, analysis, sharing, and personalized diagnosis and treatment decision-making and evaluation, (3) determining high-precision and sensitive molecular typing standards for gastric cancer, Draw genetic and epigenetic characteristic maps specific to various subtypes of gastric cancer (4) Construct a full chain technology system for precise diagnosis and treatment of gastric cancer, and develop a standardized clinical application analysis system. According to the large sample of systematic and accurate molecular typing of gastric cancer patients, gastric cancer seriously endangers the people's health in China. According to the "2017 Latest Report on the Current Situation and Trend of Cancer in China", academician He Jie, director of the National Cancer Center, its incidence rate ranks second in male cancer and fourth in female cancer, while its mortality rate is second in male and female cancer, with a trend of youth, mostly occurring in the 35-55 age group. The 5-year relative survival rate of gastric cancer patients in China is only 27%, which is closely related to the high metastasis, high mutation, drug resistance caused by the diversity of gastric cancer causes, the heterogeneity of genome and phenotype, the reversibility of epigenetic modification, and the oneness of treatment methods. There is no systematic and precise molecular typing study on large samples of gastric cancer patients. How to efficiently apply multi recombination big data for integration and mining is the key to accurate diagnosis and treatment of gastric cancer, which has practical urgency.


contact information:

company address:河北省石家庄市和平西路215号

Company profile:河北医科大学第二医院前身为1918年1月成立的直隶公立医学专门学校附设诊所,1920年扩建为医院,1958年迁至石家庄市,2013年设立东院区,北院区、西山医养一体化医院、正定新区医院正在建设中。目前,医院已成为河北省最大的一所集医疗、教学、科研、保健、康复、急救为一体的综合性三级甲等医院。为亚洲国际救援会员单位、国家级爱婴医院、首批全国百姓放心示范医院;国家药物临床试验机构,卫生部腔镜培训基地,卫生部冠心病介入治疗培训基地,中华医学会腹腔镜内镜学培训基地,河北省神经内科、麻醉、急诊、影像、核医学、检验、护理、病历等多个省级质量控制中心所在单位。医院编制床位2816张,2015年门急诊总量217万人次,出院病人13万人次,手术26661例。医院人才济济,技术力量雄厚。拥有中国工程院院士1人、河北省高端人才1人,博士生导师25人,享受国务院特殊津贴专家、省管专家、省有突出贡献中青年专家59人。医院科室专业齐全,综合实力居全省首位,其中心血管内科、心脏大血管外科、神经内科、眼科、呼吸内科、急诊科、麻醉科和临床护理专业为国家重点临床专科;内科学为河北省强势特色学科(群);内科学、外科学、神经内科学为省级重点学科;神经内科、心血管内科、消化内科、血液内科、呼吸内科、泌尿外科、眼科、妇产科、神经外科、心血管外科、小儿外科、耳鼻喉科、普外科、病理科、医学影像科为省级医学重点学科;急诊科为省级医学重点发展学科。医院多数临床科室为省内学术牵头单位,每年主办、承办国际、国内、省内等大型高层次学术会议交流40余次。医院每年开展多项国内外领先技术疗法。其中经前臂动脉微创化冠脉介入治疗技术,心脏冠脉搭桥技术,器官移植技术,造血干细胞移植技术,“体外受精、胚胎移植”技术,肿瘤生物治疗技术等达到国内先进水平。医院高度重视医学科技研究。拥有河北省心脑血管病研究所、呼吸病研究所、消化病研究所、血液病研究所等21个医学研究所、中心、室。临床神经病学实验室为省部共建重点实验室,神经病学、消化病学、血液病学、血管稳态实验室为省级重点实验室。河北省心脑血管病协同防治中心是省内医疗系统唯一建设于医院的中心。近年来,医院承担国家自然基金项目36项,国家863子课题3项, “十二五” 国家科技支撑计划子课题8项;荣获国家科技进步二等奖1项、河北省科技进步一等奖5项、二等奖9项、三等奖57项。医院为河北医科大学第二临床医学院, 16个专业为博士学位培养点,33个专业为硕士学位培养点;拥有6项省级精品课程;每年在院学生近2000名,其中博士、硕士研究生近1000名。医院以严控基础质量为立院之本,实现了全程、全员医疗质量控制管理。积极创新医疗服务模式,在省内率先开通一站式预约诊疗中心、肿瘤诊疗会诊中心、院内会诊系统等,全年365天开诊、急诊24小时接待患者,良好的行业作风、优秀的人才队伍、精湛的医疗技术、现代化的医疗设备及人性化服务得到了社会各界的广泛赞誉

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