Research on the Removal of Nitrogen Oxides from Air Pollution Sources

industry field:Education/Training
release unit:河北工业大学
demand unit:Hebei University of Technology
cooperation mode:unlimited
2023-06-06 18:16:28 6
Project description
Starting from the influencing factors of catalyst performance in the early stage of this project, research was mainly conducted from the aspects of composition, material surface physicochemical regulation, crystal growth and nucleation control, template selection, and synthesis process control methods. The composite of ferroelectric gas and iron based composite oxides is applied in flue gas denitrification catalytic materials. The catalyst has a high denitrification efficiency at low temperatures and a denitrification rate of over 90%. At present, there is relatively little research on the impact of new SCR materials on the atmospheric environment system in China, and the ideas, theories, and experimental operation techniques that need to be solved and planned to be achieved in the project are still in the initial stage. If we can successfully hire European experts and professors to visit our province and Hebei University of Technology, it will provide important reference suggestions for the environmental pollution prevention and control in our province, and improve the level of air pollution prevention and control in the Beijing Tianjin Hebei region. Establish the relationship between the structure, composition, and performance of a new type of tourmaline/Fe based rare earth oxide SCR catalytic material, identify the changes in catalyst activity under simulated industrial furnace pollutant discharge conditions, screen out highly active model catalysts, and elucidate the mechanism of the influence of new catalyst preparation parameters on catalytic performance. Clarify the synergistic mechanism and related impact laws of catalysts, carriers, and surface coatings on catalytic performance, and optimize the optimal loading process route. Propose chemical reaction kinetics and thermodynamic models under the SCR catalytic reaction system, clarify the surface oxygen vacancies and microscopic conditions of the catalyst, as well as the influence of SCR reaction conditions on the SCR reduction reaction and various disproportionation reaction mechanisms. By using an industrial furnace emission evaluation system, the mechanism and influence of various SCR reaction conditions on NOX purification efficiency are revealed, and the effects of thermal stability, water resistance, and sulfur resistance are measured and analyzed. This project plans to invite Timon Rabczuk, an academician of the Academia Europaea and a professor of Weimar University in Germany, to come to our university to develop and improve the advanced coupling numerical simulation platform with the project leader, and carry out project research on the optimization design of new lithium batteries and bending electric energy collectors. Severe haze weather has occurred in the Beijing Tianjin Hebei region of China, and nitrogen oxides (NOx) are one of the main causes of haze formation. The main methods for controlling NOx emissions are exhaust post-treatment. In exhaust post-treatment technology, vanadium tungsten titanium catalysts are currently the most widely used. However, despite their extensive application in engineering practice, their low-temperature activity has become an insurmountable obstacle. Its optimal operating temperature is between 300 and 400 ℃, while for the widely existing small and medium-sized industrial kilns in the Beijing Tianjin Hebei region, the exhaust temperature is generally around 150 ℃, Develop a new type of low temperature (150 ℃) to address this issue SCR catalyst is of great significance for improving air mass in Beijing Tianjin Hebei region. Starting from the influencing factors of catalyst performance in the early stage of this project, research was mainly conducted from the aspects of composition, material surface physicochemical regulation, crystal growth and nucleation control, template selection, and synthesis process control methods. The composite of ferroelectric gas and iron based composite oxides is applied in flue gas denitrification catalytic materials. The catalyst has a high denitrification efficiency at low temperatures and a denitrification rate of over 90%. The main component of ferroelectric gas, Fe2O3, interacts with iron based composite oxides and can serve as the main active component. Its excellent physical and chemical properties (such as self generated polarity, radiation far infrared, etc.) can improve the redox performance of the catalyst, improve its low-temperature catalytic oxidation performance of NO to NO2, refine the grain size of iron based oxides, regulate surface oxygen vacancies, and provide more active sites for iron based oxide SCR reactions, Expand its low-temperature denitrification activity window. Utilize the developed new low-temperature denitrification catalytic materials to establish an application demonstration project, laying the foundation for atmospheric environmental governance in the Beijing Tianjin Hebei region.


contact information:

company address:天津市北辰区西平道5340号

Company profile:河北工业大学的前身是创办于 1903 年的北洋工艺学堂,是我国最早的培养工业人才的高等学校,创办了全国最早的高校校办工厂。1929 年改称河北省立工业学院,1995 年更名为河北工业大学。115 年来,学校始终秉承“勤慎公忠”的校训精神,坚持“工学并举”的办学特色,形成了“勤奋、严谨、求实、进取”的优良校风,现已发展成为一所以工为主、多学科协调发展的国家“211 工程”重点建设高校,是河北省人民政府、天津市人民政府和教育部共建高校,2016 年入选河北省“国家一流大学建设”一层次学校,2017年入选国家“世界一流学科”建设高校,学校将重点建设“先进装备工程与技术”学科群。近年来,材料科学、化学、工程学三个学科领域分别进入 ESI 全球排名前 1%。

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  • 2022-11-02 18:02 *** 电话联系了该立项企业
  • 2022-11-02 18:02 *** 电话联系了该立项企业
  • 2022-11-02 18:02 *** 电话联系了该立项企业
  • 2022-11-02 18:02 *** 电话联系了该立项企业
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