Optimization Design of Lithium Battery and Bending Energy Collector Based on Multi physical Field Strength Coupling Analysis Method

industry field:Education/Training
release unit:河北工业大学
demand unit:Hebei University of Technology
cooperation mode:unlimited
2023-06-06 18:16:28 6
Project description
Issues that need to be addressed in the project Objectives to be achieved (11) Cooperate to develop an advanced multi physical field coupling analysis platform (12) Propose a new lithium battery design through structural optimization (13) Expand the optimal design of the bending electric energy collector through topology optimization (14) Cooperate to establish the Hebei University of Technology Weimar Bauhaus University Digital Construction Joint Research Center (15) Hold 1-2 special lectures on the latest academic trends in the field of this discipline every year (16) Guide 2 young teachers on campus and assist in applying for national and international exchange scientific research projects. (17) Apply for a national scientific research project with Hebei University of Technology as a unit. (18) Propose plans and suggestions for disciplinary development. (19) Jointly train 2 doctoral or master's students, and guide students to publish 4 high-level academic papers (SCI included) with Hebei University of Technology as the first signatory unit. This project plans to invite academicians of the Academia Europaea and professors of Weimar University of Germany to our university to develop and improve the advanced coupling numerical simulation platform together with the project leader, and carry out the project research on the optimization design of new lithium batteries and bending electric energy collectors. This project plans to invite Timon Rabczuk, an academician of the Academia Europaea and a professor of Weimar University in Germany, to come to our university to develop and improve the advanced coupling numerical simulation platform with the project leader, and carry out project research on the optimization design of new lithium batteries and bending electric energy collectors. Associate Professor Zhang Yiming, the project leader, was born in 1984, and obtained a bachelor's and master's degree from Tongji University in 2006 and 2009. He has studied and worked in Germany and Austria for 8 years. His doctoral supervisor is the former president of the Austrian Academy of Sciences, an academician of the German Academy of Sciences, an academician of the American Academy of Sciences, a foreign academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, and a leader in structural analysis and computational mechanics Herbert.A.Mang. During his time in Austria, the applicant participated as the main participant in the Austrian National Security Project, independently responsible for the development and development of a multi physical field strong coupling numerical analysis platform. At the same time, the applicant, as the main participant, also joined the Austrian National Science Foundation project, independently responsible for the development of an analysis platform based on adaptive crack surface optimization methods. At present, the applicant has published 8 papers as the lead author in the Journal of Engineering Structures, ComputerMethodsinAppliedMechanicsandEngineering, FiniteElementsinAnalysisandDesign and other structural analysis, computational mechanics, among which two papers proposed new criteria for risk assessment of tunnel lining bursting under high temperature, and a 31 page medium length paper creatively solved the defects of a class of long pending computational mechanics methods, Another independent author's paper proposed a new computational approach, which significantly improved the computational efficiency and accuracy of an existing calculation method. The applicant joined Professor Ma Guowei's research group at Hebei University of Technology in December 2017 as the director of the Institute of Numerical Simulation, responsible for the development of a multi physical field strong coupling analysis platform.


contact information:

company address:天津市北辰区西平道5340号

Company profile:河北工业大学的前身是创办于 1903 年的北洋工艺学堂,是我国最早的培养工业人才的高等学校,创办了全国最早的高校校办工厂。1929 年改称河北省立工业学院,1995 年更名为河北工业大学。115 年来,学校始终秉承“勤慎公忠”的校训精神,坚持“工学并举”的办学特色,形成了“勤奋、严谨、求实、进取”的优良校风,现已发展成为一所以工为主、多学科协调发展的国家“211 工程”重点建设高校,是河北省人民政府、天津市人民政府和教育部共建高校,2016 年入选河北省“国家一流大学建设”一层次学校,2017年入选国家“世界一流学科”建设高校,学校将重点建设“先进装备工程与技术”学科群。近年来,材料科学、化学、工程学三个学科领域分别进入 ESI 全球排名前 1%。

  • 2022-11-02 18:02 *** 电话联系了该立项企业
  • 2022-11-02 18:02 *** 电话联系了该立项企业
  • 2022-11-02 18:02 *** 电话联系了该立项企业
  • 2022-11-02 18:02 *** 电话联系了该立项企业
  • 2022-11-02 18:02 *** 电话联系了该立项企业
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