Biomass Gasifier and Tar Removal System

industry field:Energy saving and environmental protection
release unit:河北中荷联合环保科技有限公司初
demand unit:Hebei Zhonghe United Environmental Protection Technology Co., Ltd
cooperation mode:unlimited
2023-06-06 18:16:28 11
Project description
I hope to introduce two or more experts in this field to conduct research and tackle specific issues, ultimately achieving an improvement in conversion rate and the emergence of tar removal without secondary pollution. I hope to introduce two or more experts in this field to conduct research and tackle specific issues, ultimately achieving an improvement in conversion rate and the emergence of tar removal without secondary pollution. Energy is the material foundation for human survival and the fundamental support for the national economy. China is a major energy consuming country, and its current energy supply mainly relies on fossil fuels such as coal, oil, and natural gas. However, the limited availability of fossil energy resources and the enormous pressure they pose on the environment and ecology during their development and utilization seriously constrain the sustainable development of the economy and society. At the same time, China is also a large agricultural country. Every year, a large number of crop straws, livestock manure, agricultural by-products and energy crop and other plant biomass are produced. The biomass gasification technology is an energy conversion process that takes plant biomass as raw material, uses pyrolysis and thermochemical oxidation methods to heat under anoxic conditions, so that it can undergo complex thermochemical reactions. Under reaction conditions, according to the bonding principle of chemical bond, it can become molecules of carbon monoxide, methane, hydrogen and other combustible gases. Ultimately, these gases are used for centralized gas supply and power generation, which can in some cases replace existing coal and natural gas. It not only reduces the environmental pollution caused by burning straw, but also improves the utilization efficiency of straw and proposes effective ways for sustainable energy development. The typical gasification technology has the following drawbacks: 1. The gasification process does not undergo sufficient carbon conversion, with a carbon conversion rate of 90-95%. 2. The gas products are diluted by the combustion flue gas (CO ₂, H ₂ O). 3. When air is used as an oxygen supply source, the gas products are diluted by nitrogen gas. Although it can be solved by replacing air with an oxygen/steam mixture, it will increase equipment costs and reduce efficiency. 4. Tar removal generates extremely serious secondary pollution. 5. After tar removal and water condensation, the gas products produced by air blast gasification have an energy value of up to 6MJ/Nm3 (150Btu/scf), which is sufficient for gas engines, but too low for gas turbine engines. Our unit is conducting research and experimental practice with Hebei University of Science and Technology based on the shortcomings of biomass gasification mentioned above, in order to achieve the goal of environmental protection and renewable energy.


contact information:

company address:河北省石家庄市长安区中山东路618号

Company profile:河北中荷联合环保科技有限公司初创于2017年,是由荷兰能源研究中心(ECN)参股的致力于环保、新能源及基础农业开发的开放型创新企业。主要业务分为环保、新能源和基础农业三个领域。目前公司办公区域1200平方米,负责环保领域的环境影响评价、环保治理技术方案制定、开发及实施,以及新能源推广,公司还拥有农业种植面积2000亩以及粮食加工基地一座。公司拥有环保部颁发的“建设项目环境影响评价资质”,拥有荷兰能源研究中心的大气监控系统大中华区本地化开发和推广权限。公司新能源领域的另一个研究方向为生物质气化技术。公司已于河北科技大学签订深入合作协议,双方约定共同致力于大气扩散模型中国区的推广及后续升级版本的开发,并一同努力对生物质气化炉转化率的提升及焦油清除无害化的研究与实践。

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  • 2022-11-02 18:02 *** 电话联系了该立项企业
  • 2022-11-02 18:02 *** 电话联系了该立项企业
  • 2022-11-02 18:02 *** 电话联系了该立项企业
  • 2022-11-02 18:02 *** 电话联系了该立项企业
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