Yingli Energy (China) Co., Ltd

core technology:Photovoltaic technology
industry field:Other areas
release unit:英利能源(中国)有限公司
demand unit:Yingli Energy (China) Co., Ltd
cooperation mode:Project cooperation
2023-06-06 18:19:37 6
Project description
1、 Enterprise Overview: Yingli Energy (China) Co., Ltd. entered the field of solar photovoltaic power generation in 1998 and undertook the country's first demonstration project of producing 3 megawatts of polycrystalline silicon solar cells and application systems in 1999, filling the gap in China's photovoltaic industry without large-scale production and application demonstration, and laying the foundation for China's photovoltaic industry technology. Listed on the New York Stock Exchange in June 2007, relying on long-term strategic, innovative, technological, and brand advantages, it ranked first in global shipments in 2013 and 2014, becoming a leading enterprise in the global photovoltaic industry. Yingli continuously increases its investment in research and development technology innovation and the construction of its research team. Currently, it has 8951 employees, including 1146 technical personnel and 472 personnel with intermediate and senior professional titles. Every year, the investment in technology research and development funds accounts for over 4-5% of the annual sales revenue. Dr. Song Dengyuan, the Chief Technical Officer of the company, is a leader in photovoltaic technology in China, an expert who enjoys special allowances from the State Council, and the Chief Scientist of the National 863 Plan project "Research and Development of Key Technologies and Equipment for Solar Cell Testing and Testing". He has been awarded the first batch of "Hundred Talents Plan" special experts by the Hebei Provincial Government to introduce high-level overseas talents, and the sixth batch of excellent experts in provincial management in Hebei Province. The Yingli Technology Team was selected and named the "Giant Plan" innovation team by the Hebei Provincial Party Committee and Government in 2012, and the Yingli Enterprise Technology Center was recognized as a nationally recognized enterprise technology center in 2013. Yingli has "State Key Laboratory of Photovoltaic Materials and Technology", "National Key Laboratory of Energy Photovoltaic Technology", "National Enterprise Technology Center" and "International Joint Research Center of Photovoltaic Technology", becoming the only enterprise in China's photovoltaic industry with two State Key Laboratory and two national research centers. We have achieved good results in undertaking scientific research projects and achieving technological research and development results through platform construction and the construction of a large technical team. At present, we have obtained 2104 authorized patents, of which 1822 have been authorized, ranking first in the global photovoltaic industry. We have led and participated in the preparation of 78 international, national, and industry standards, won 9 provincial and ministerial level science and technology progress awards, and undertaken more than 130 national and provincial level science and technology plan projects. 2、 The current limitations of photovoltaic technology application are mainly high cost and low efficiency. Driven by market demand and technology, the demand for high-efficiency crystalline silicon batteries will gradually increase in the future. Yingli's next step will be to reduce costs and improve efficiency in different aspects. 1. In 2021, Yingli will collaborate with the Dutch Energy Research Center and Tempress to develop IBC and Topcon batteries based on the current equipment and process conditions of Yingli's N-type battery production line, and establish a testing line. The overall goal of the project is to achieve a 22% efficiency of IBC batteries developed on the Yingli testing line. 2. In 2021, Yingli will collaborate with DuPont in the United States to develop a new type of slurry, aiming to improve efficiency by introducing a new type of specialized slurry and matching it with the design of wire mesh. 3. Introducing the battery industry research and development team from the University of Hong Kong Science and Technology Park to conduct research and development on graphene materials, with the aim of utilizing the high conductivity, high strength, and ultra-thin properties of graphene to complete the preparation of new materials, ultimately achieving the effect of reducing battery costs and improving battery conversion efficiency. 4. In 2021, we cooperated with Innovalight Corporation of the United States to realize the industrialization development of the process of preparing crystalline silicon solar cells by nano material synthesis through the application of nano materials, the research of metallization process and mechanism of low contact resistance. 5. In 2021, the introduction of professional managers from Taiwan aims to standardize the smooth operation of battery production, ensure the efficient completion of production planning work, and standardize production management.


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  • 2022-11-02 18:02 *** 电话联系了该立项企业
  • 2022-11-02 18:02 *** 电话联系了该立项企业
  • 2022-11-02 18:02 *** 电话联系了该立项企业
  • 2022-11-02 18:02 *** 电话联系了该立项企业
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