Tangshan People's Hospital

core technology:Medical diagnosis and care health services
industry field:Other areas
release unit:唐山市人民医院
demand unit:Tangshan People's Hospital
cooperation mode:Project cooperation
2023-06-06 18:20:28 6
Project description
Tangshan People's Hospital was founded in 1943 and is the earliest public hospital in Tangshan. In the 1960s and 1970s, the orthopedics, traditional Chinese medicine, and tuberculosis prevention departments of the hospital were established and established, including the Municipal Orthopedics Hospital, the Municipal Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital, the Municipal Infectious Disease Hospital, and the Municipal Third Hospital. It can be said that the history of the People's Hospital is also the development history of Tangshan's health industry, which has trained a large number of professional and technical talents for the development of Tangshan's health industry. It is hailed as the "mother of hospitals" by industry insiders and is the cradle of Tangshan's health industry development. The hospital covers an area of over 50000 square meters, with 1040 designated beds and 1380 open beds. It has 51 clinical departments, 15 medical technology departments, and 44 inpatient wards. The hospital has 10 medical centers, including Tangshan Cancer Diagnosis and Treatment Center, Breast Disease Prevention and Control Center, Tangshan International Cancer Consultation Center between China and the United States, Tumor Radiotherapy Center, Stroke Center, and Vertigo Treatment and Rehabilitation Center. There are 1 provincial-level key discipline, 2 provincial-level key cultivation specialties, 1 provincial-level key specialty construction unit, 1 provincial-level key laboratory, 11 municipal key disciplines, and 1 municipal tumor research institute. The annual outpatient volume is nearly 500000 people, with over 55000 discharged patients and 18500 surgeries carried out. In 2002, it was one of the first batch of hospitals in Hebei Province and the first to pass the ISO9000 international quality certification system in Tangshan City. It is a large-scale comprehensive tertiary first-class hospital that integrates medical treatment, teaching, scientific research, preventive health care, and rehabilitation, with tumor treatment as its characteristics. It is now an affiliated hospital of North China University of Technology and a nursing home of Tangshan People's Hospital under the Li Ka shing Foundation. The hospital has been designated as a "national drug clinical trial institution", a national "million women's breast screening project unit", and a national health management demonstration base unit. It is a training base for Anning treatment and nursing in Hebei Province, a "standardized training demonstration base for general practitioners in Hebei Province", a provincial-level academician workstation in Hebei Province, a Chinese medicine master studio, and a postdoctoral innovation practice base in Hebei Province. In recent years, the hospital has adhered to the strategy of "revitalizing the hospital through science and technology", relying on basic research and clinical application research as the main body. It attaches importance to scientific research management, talent cultivation, and team building, with significant achievements and a steady improvement in academic level. In recent years, I have led 5 National Natural Science Foundation Youth Fund projects and participated in 4 provincial and ministerial level scientific research projects. 15 projects have successively won 1 first prize, 3 second prizes, and 4 municipal and ministerial level awards in Hebei Province. Published 768 papers in SCI and national core journals. Among them, there are 82 SCI articles, with a single article having the highest impact factor of 14.695. The hospital has 2270 employees, including 363 personnel with senior technical titles, 420 with doctoral and master's degrees, 1 doctoral supervisor, and 33 master's supervisor. This has formed a scientific, comprehensive, and reasonable talent pool that is in line with the long-term development of the hospital. Hospitals pay attention to connotation construction in management, adhere to the policy of "People's Hospital for the People", establish the service concept of "patients' needs are our pursuit", focus on patients, strengthen hospital culture construction, implement humanized services, and receive good social benefits. The hospital has successively won many honors, such as the "National Demonstration Hospital for People's Confidence", the "National Advanced Collective for Earthquake Relief in the Health System", the "National Advanced Collective for Hospital Culture", the "National Women's Demonstration Post", the "National Excellent Achievement Award for Hospital Culture Construction", the "Civilized Unit of Hebei Province", and the "Integrity Hospital of Hebei Province". In recent years, the hospital has made efforts to strengthen external cooperation and exchange, following the principle of "please come in, go out", and seeking cooperation opportunities with large medical institutions and research institutes in Beijing, Tianjin, and even abroad. It has explored the use of various cooperation models, built external medical cooperation platforms, and achieved mutual docking and integration of medical resources, so that more patients can enjoy convenient, high-quality, and efficient medical services. The hospital has engaged in in-depth cooperation with large tertiary hospitals such as the Third Hospital of Beijing Medical University, Beijing Tiantan Hospital, the Second Artillery General Hospital of the People's Liberation Army, and the Cancer Hospital of the Chinese Academy of Sciences in various aspects such as the current development status of the discipline, the establishment of cooperation platforms, the cultivation of discipline talents, the feasibility of cooperation projects, and the establishment of a two-way referral mechanism. In addition, we have established an international consultation mechanism with the top 50 large medical institutions in the United States - the Tangshan International Consultation Center between China and the United States, providing "international medical" and "medical exchanges" between China and the United States, and providing comprehensive consultation and diagnosis and treatment guidance. And regularly conduct academic exchanges and visits with top medical institutions in Germany, Japan, Sweden and other countries, absorb high-quality medical resources from abroad, and further improve the level of diagnosis and treatment of difficult and severe tumors. With the continuous deepening of communication and cooperation, the hospital has successfully hosted and hosted multiple national, provincial, and municipal level large-scale academic conferences, such as the National Cancer Hospital Alliance Annual Meeting (2016), the National Humanities and Palliative Care Conference (2017), the Youth Committee of the Cancer Psychology Professional Committee of the China Anti Cancer Association Visiting Tangshan Station (2016), and the Second Tianjin Beijing Hebei Thyroid Cancer Summit Forum (2018) The 10th Hebei Cancer Academic Conference (2014), Hebei Cancer Radiotherapy Academic Annual Conference (2015), Sino US Orthopaedics International Exchange Academic Seminar (2015-2019), Sino US Colorectal Cancer International Exchange Seminar (2016), Sino US International Symposium on Standardized Diagnosis and Treatment of Breast Cancer (2017), Sino British International breast cancer Forum (2019), the first International Summit Forum on Precision Diagnosis and Treatment of breast cancer (2019), etc, The event allows healthcare professionals and Tangshan residents in our city to enjoy domestic and international first-class diagnostic and treatment concepts, academic cutting-edge, and high-end diagnostic and treatment technologies without leaving the city. Introduced foreign experts include Cui Quanjun, an orthopedic expert from the University of Virginia School of Medicine, William C. Foster, David Weiss, Dr. Diduch, Rose University of the United States, and Margaret Thompson from the University of Atlanta, Florida, as well as ArturoLoaiza-B, MD, Vice Chairman of the Cancer Department of the Cleveland Clinic Maria Atz American Cancer Treatment Center (CTCA) TouficKachaamy, Director of Interventional Gastroenterology Program at the United States Cancer Treatment Center (CTCA), Georgios Pafitanias, Royal Mary Hospital, Japan Tomoyuki Yano, Shibata Tomoyoshi, KarakawaRyo, Hiroshima University International Lymphedema Treatment Center, Xu Yin, and others.


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Company profile:唐山市人民医院始建于1943年,是唐山市最早的公立医院,上世纪60-70年代,医院的骨科、中医科、预防“结核科”等科室成建制划出,相继成立了市骨科医院、市中医医院、市传染病院、市第三医院。可以说人民医院的历史也就是唐山市卫生事业的发展史,为唐山市卫生事业发展培养了大批专业技术人才,被业内人士誉为“医院之母”,是唐山市卫生事业发展的摇篮。医院编制床位1040张,开放床位1196张,拥有 58个临床科室,18个医技科室,36个住院病区。2002年在河北省首批、唐山市首家通过ISO9000国际质量认证体系,是一所集医疗、教学、科研、预防、保健、社区卫生服务于一体,以肿瘤治疗为特色的大型三级综合医院,现为华北理工大学附属人民医院及李嘉诚基金会唐山市人民医院宁养院。   注重学科建设,肿瘤特色鲜明。医院拥有唐山市肿瘤诊疗中心、肿瘤放射治疗中心、乳腺疾病防治中心、高级卒中中心、法医签定中心和唐山市体检中心、中医骨伤康复中心、眩晕治疗康复中心、口腔防治指导中心等医学中心;1个省级重点学科;2个省级重点培育专科;1个省级重点专科建设单位;1个省级重点实验室;11个市级重点学科和重点发展学科;1个市级肿瘤研究所承担着多项国家自然基金项目及省级重点课题。近年来,医院按照“高起点,规范化”的发展思路和突出肿瘤大学科特色建设要求,致力于肿瘤专业的建设与发展,率先在全市实现了肿瘤疾病的手术、放疗、化疗、肿瘤热灌注治疗、肿瘤深部热疗和全身热疗、中西医结合治疗、肿瘤粒子植入治疗、基因治疗、分子靶向治疗、介入治疗等,医院肿瘤治疗条件、治疗手段、治疗水平位居省内领先水平。2012年医院又积极筹划“城市癌症早诊早治项目”,进一步推广城市常见癌症高危人群筛查和早诊早治技术,降低癌症的发病率和死亡率。   设备先进,基础设施健全。精湛的医疗技术需要先进的医疗设备做依托,二者是推动医院发展的决定性因素。医院在发展过程中先后购置了大型医疗设备百余台(套),拥有世界一流的美国瓦里安高端医用直线加速器、美国通用3.0T超导磁共振成像系统、美国通用超高端宝石能谱CT、血管造影系统和高端超声等一大批急需的医疗设备能够充分满足患者的医疗需求。医院先后投资约2000万元建成全市领先的院内信息化网络系统,建立了HIS、LIS、 PACS、EMR、HRP、移动医护系统、重症及手麻管理系统,实现了智能分诊叫号,实施门诊“一卡通”就诊流程,利用“互联网+医疗”服务模式,实现了线上应用和线下自助相结合的整体就医模式,人民群众看病就医体验得到全面改善。同时,医院一直把加快基础建设作为重点工作来抓,现医院布局趋于合理,环境整洁,基础设施完善,极大地改善了患者的就医环境。   坚持科技兴院,加快人才梯队建设。近年来,医院坚持“科技兴院”战略,以基础研究为依托,以临床应用研究为主体,重视科研管理,注重人才培养与梯队建设,成果显著,人才辈出,学术水平稳步提高。以我院科技人员作为第一主研人获批的各级各类科研立项共计234项,其中国家自然科学基金青年基金项目5项、河北省自然基金项目5项、河北省科技计划项目10项、河北省引智项目2项、省市人才项目7项、唐山市科技创新团队项目7项、市厅局级科技项目198项。以我院科技人员作为第一主研人获得各级各类科研奖励共计51项。其中河北省科技进步一等奖1项、二等奖2项和三等奖3项,市厅局级一等奖16项、二等奖28项、三等奖7项。共发表学术论文848篇,其中SCI 论文104篇,总影响因子达335.278。拥有卫生技术人员1883人,其中高级技术职称人员441人,博士34人,硕士394人,硕士研究生导师31人,形成了科学、完善、合理,符合医院长远发展的人才梯队。新技术新项目的创新开展为医院发展注入了强进的活力。先后开展了食管扩张技术、食管气管放射支架术、胸腔镜、腹腔镜、关节镜、椎间孔镜等多项省内领先现代微创技术;开展冠脉造影、冠脉搭桥手术、前哨淋巴结活检手术、乳腺癌根治术中即时乳房成形术、导丝定位切除微小钙化病灶手术、超声引导下微波消融甲状腺良性肿瘤、中西医结合治疗股骨头坏死、超声引导下神经阻滞麻醉等新技术、新项目。   探索医院集团化发展,实现低成本规模扩张。2016年开始,医院大力推动集团化建设,先后与234家医疗单位组建了资源共享、合作共赢的医疗联合体。投资3000万元建成了包括远程诊断服务平台(包括影像云、病理云、心电云)、分级诊疗协作平台、双向转诊协作平台、远程会诊云平台、其他辅助远程云平台,现已有201家单位完成联网。互联互通的医疗信息共享平台,促进了医疗资源的效能最大化,实现了人才、技术、设备和市场品牌共享,有效控制了运营成本,集团内各类型医疗机构市场定位明确,发展方向清晰,优势互补,协调联动,激活了存量医疗资源,提升了医疗服务能力和市场竞争力,得到了国家、省市领导的高度认可。   加强对外合作,提升医院整体水平   医院近两年来,努力加强对外合作,本着“请进来,走出去”的原则,努力寻求与北京、天津乃至国外等大型医疗机构的合作机会,探索利用多种合作模式,搭建对外医疗合作平台,实现医疗资源相互对接、相互融合,使更多的患者享受到便捷、优质、高效的医疗服务。医院与中科院肿瘤医院、天津肿瘤医院、北京天坛医院、解放军二炮总医院等大型三级甲等医院就学科发展现状、合作平台建立、学科人才培养、合作课题可行性及建立双向转诊机制等多方面展开深度合作。此外,还与美国前50家大型医疗机构建立了国际会诊机制,提供中美“国际医疗”和“医学交流”,全方位提供会诊及诊疗指导,并定期进行学术交流,与国际最先进的癌疗平台对接,吸收国外优质医疗资源,进一步提升肿瘤疑难重症诊疗水平,让唐山百姓足不出市就能享受到国内、国际一流的高端医疗水平。   实施人性化服务,打造医院特色品牌   医院在管理上注重内涵建设,坚持“人民医院为人民”的办院方针,确立了“患者的需求就是我们的追求”的服务理念,以病人为中心,加强医院文化建设,实施人性化服务,收到良好的社会效益。医院以技术精湛、医风淳朴著称,深受百姓信任和爱戴,先后获得全国百姓放心示范医院、全国卫生系统抗震救灾先进集体、全国医院文化先进集体、全国巾帼示范岗、全国医院文化建设优秀成果奖、河北省文明单位、河北省诚信医院等诸多殊荣。

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