Amphotericin B liposome injection project

core technology:Chemical pharmaceuticals: preparations
industry field:Community organization
release unit:河北省国际人才交流协会
demand unit:Hebei International Talent Exchange Association
cooperation mode:Project cooperation
2023-06-06 18:38:19 11
Project description
The total investment of the project is 75 million yuan. The project starts and ends from October 2020 to October 2024. The number of project teams is 15. The main business areas are high-end pharmaceutical preparations, core technology, liposome technology, intention country, intention unit of the United States, NanoTechPharmaInc (NACO Pharmaceuticals) Address: New Jersey, United States Collaborative Development Project Background: Injection amphotericin B is the gold standard for the treatment of invasive fungal infections, belonging to the polyene class of preparations. Its excellent antibacterial spectrum and bactericidal properties make it an essential class of drugs in clinical practice. However, due to its high toxicity and instability, injection amphotericin B is only considered for treatment when other antifungal drugs are not ideal, Its derivative formulation liposomes can significantly improve the safety and effectiveness of drugs, avoid adverse reactions during clinical use, and this type of formulation is definitely a future demand point for clinical use. North China Pharmaceutical has high-quality amphotericin B raw materials, which can fully meet the research and development and subsequent industrial production of this product. It also has years of experience in production and marketing of ordinary injections of this variety, providing support and guarantee for the production and market of this product after its launch. The expected goal is to conduct a dual report between China and the United States, to be listed domestically and in the United States, and to enhance the influence of Chinese medicine in the international market. The conditions (equipment/funds/personnel) are now met, and some equipment, funds, and technical difficulties/main difficulties are due to technical barriers for complex injections. The development difficulty is high, and the original research has been listed for more than 20 years. Currently, there are no generic drugs listed domestically or internationally, It can be seen that its replication is difficult, and its solutions and expected goals are to be achieved. The proposed partner, Nacor Corporation of the United States, is a research and development company dedicated to the development of 505 (b) (2) NDA new dosage forms and nanoinjection drugs. Its research and development team has years of experience in complex injection research and development, and has conducted exploratory research on the formulation process of amphotericin B liposomes. After preliminary process exploration, it has been able to achieve the level of 200 small trials, and cooperation with it can accelerate the research and development progress, And taking advantage of its company's familiarity with US registration and application, it will conduct dual reporting between China and the United States, list in both domestic and US markets, and enhance the influence of Chinese medicine in the international market. Other remarks (if there is a project proposal, please attach it)


contact information:

company address:河北省石家庄市长安区中山东路195号美居大酒店五楼

Company profile:河北省国际人才交流协会简介   一、基本情况        河北省国际人才交流协会成立于 1988 年,成立初期与河北省外国专家局合署办公,围绕省委、省政府重点工作部署,开展国际交流和引才引智工作。机构改革后,先后成为河北省人民政府外事办公室、河北省人事厅、河北省人力资源和社会保障厅所属事业单位。        2017 年按照省委、省政府的要求,协会与河北省人力资源和社会保障厅正式脱钩,成为在河北省民政厅登记注册的社会团体,并被认定为 5A 级社会组织。协会是河北省委组织部、河北省科学技术厅、河北省科学技术协会认定的“院士工作站”,河北省科学技术厅认定的“国际技术转移中心”,河北省外国专家局、石家庄市外国专家局认定的“引智工作站”。        为进一步整合海外高端人才资源,开拓多领域的合作空间,探索多元化的合作渠道,协会联合海外 3 家机构共同发起成立了“国际科技创新合作联盟”。联盟拥有院士等高端专家 300 余名,技术项目 200 多项,覆盖生物医药、农业科技、新材料、节能环保、电子信息等数十个领域。     二、协会宗旨        协会始终坚持互利共赢、优势互补的理念,秉承诚信、务实、合作、创新的精神,通过资源整合、共享及市场化的方式,强化引才引智力度,不断拓展科技创新、合作共赢的新局面。 三、业务领域 1.与各国友好团体、专家组织、科研机构、高等院校等建立人才合作关系,开展国际交流工作; 2.邀请国(境)外各类专家来我省讲学、访问、交流、工作; 3.协助有关单位组织人员赴国(境)外考察、交流、培训、研讨、参展、研修; 4.为企业提供海外技术需求项目的招投标服务; 5.受国外大学、科研机构及企业的委托,开展项目推介、技术转移与合作; 6.受省内各级政府的委托,为其提供招商引资服务; 7.完成中国国际人才交流协会委派的各项工作。  

  • 2022-11-02 18:02 *** 电话联系了该立项企业
  • 2022-11-02 18:02 *** 电话联系了该立项企业
  • 2022-11-02 18:02 *** 电话联系了该立项企业
  • 2022-11-02 18:02 *** 电话联系了该立项企业
  • 2022-11-02 18:02 *** 电话联系了该立项企业
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