Environmental Technology R&D Engineer

education requirement:unlimited
industry field:Other areas
cooperation mode:Hire experts
release unit:天俱时工程科技集团有限公司
2023-07-14 08:00:00 6
Position description
Focusing on the issue of "three wastes" in the pharmaceutical industry and the environmental protection talents of industrial wastewater. Firstly, wastewater talents complete the research and development of wastewater deep treatment technology, and form treatment devices to achieve the engineering application of wastewater deep treatment combination devices 二、Voc waste gas treatment talents complete the research and industrialization application of VOCs waste gas treatment technology and equipment in pharmaceutical enterprises RTO incineration technology
Requirements introduction
Focusing on the issue of "three wastes" in the pharmaceutical industry and the environmental protection talents of industrial wastewater. Firstly, wastewater talents complete the research and development of wastewater deep treatment technology, and form treatment devices to achieve the engineering application of wastewater deep treatment combination devices 二、Voc waste gas treatment talents complete the research and industrialization application of VOCs waste gas treatment technology and equipment in pharmaceutical enterprises RTO incineration technology
provide welfare
Talent benefits: 1. R&D team support 2. Experimental platform support 3. Housing and project funding guarantee


company address:河北省石家庄市长江大道310号

Company profile:<p>天俱时集团始创于1998年8月,为国内知名的大型医药、环保项目建设总承包服务商,是国家高新技术企业,设有院士工作站、河北省博士后创新实践基地、河北省化学药物分离纯化工程实验室、河北省制药用酶集成应用工程技术研究中心,集团技术中心获省级企业技术中心认定。集团具备医药工程设计、环境工程设计、机电安装工程施工总承包、电力工程施工总承包、房屋建筑工程施工总承包等多项资质,主营业务包括莫兰斯环保、天俱时研发、天俱时设计、天俱时自动化、天俱时洁净、天俱时工程等相互平行又无缝对接的六大板块,拥有多家科技企业和数名包括澳大利亚工程院院士、国家科技奖获得者、省管优秀专家和省部属设计院骨干人才在内的一大批医药化工行业专家人才,构建了自研发和技术水平提升开始,经由工程设计和建造,最终完成于验证、投产的上下游、全方位、一体化的医药、环保项目建设高水平服务平台。</p><p><br/></p>

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