Overseas high-end expert demand information table of Chengde Academy of Agriculture and Forestry

education requirement:unlimited
industry field:Modern agriculture
cooperation mode:Hire experts
release unit:承德市农林科学院
2023-06-06 11:46:02 1
Position description
Requirements introduction
The basic salary is agreed upon by both parties, and insurance is provided to assist in obtaining a visa for coming to China. The benefits of the work permit for coming to China shall be in accordance with the relevant regulations and standards of the National Bureau of Foreign Experts Affairs and the Provincial Bureau of Foreign Experts Affairs. Related policies: Implement in accordance with the "Implementation Opinions on Strengthening the Work of Introducing Foreign Talents under the New Situation" (Ji Fa [2017] No. 13) issued by the Provincial Party Committee and Provincial Government.


company address:

Company profile:承德市农林科学院负责全市农业、林业、畜牧业、水产业等领域关键技术的研究、引进、试验、示范、推广工作等。2021年,承德市农林科学院引入韩国林榕杓院士及其科研团队,通过联合研发、成果引进,拟解决承德地区农业面源污染及栽培技术瓶颈等问题,整体提高承德地区生态环境与农业绿色发展水平,改善农业农村生产生活环境,助力乡村振兴战略实施,实现经济、生态双提升,推动承德国家可持续发展议程创新示范区建设步伐。了解情况后,承德市科技局精心指导、把关,积极申报、推荐,最终经河北省科学技术厅评定,承德市农林科学院获批成为河北省外国院士工作站。

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