河北医科大学第四医院 Certified
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project requirement
Breast cancer Pathological Diagnosis Cooperation Project


release time:2023-06-06

release unit:河北医科大学第四医院

core technology:Clinical pathology

demand unit:The Fourth Hospital of Hebei Medical University

cooperation mode:Project cooperation

participate in the project
Clinical application of combined monitoring of cfDNA and CTC in the treatment of lung cancer


release time:2023-06-06

release unit:河北医科大学第四医院

demand unit:The Fourth Hospital of Hebei Medical University

cooperation mode:unlimited

participate in the project
The study of circulating miRNAs as molecular markers in the diagnosis and prognosis of esophageal squamous cell carcinoma


release time:2023-06-06

release unit:河北医科大学第四医院

demand unit:The Fourth Hospital of Hebei Medical University

cooperation mode:unlimited

participate in the project
Molecular prediction of advanced lung cancer and gastrointestinal tumors in the era of precision medicine and optimization of internal medicine treatment models


release time:2023-06-06

release unit:河北医科大学第四医院

demand unit:The Fourth Hospital of Hebei Medical University

cooperation mode:unlimited

participate in the project
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