Efficient utilization of resources and development of environmentally friendly water treatment technology

industry field:Education/Training
release unit:河北工业大学
demand unit:Hebei University of Technology
cooperation mode:unlimited
2023-06-06 18:16:28 11
Project description
The problems to be solved and the planned goals to be achieved in the project include seeking cooperation with foreign experts in the development of 1-3 technologies, solving relevant key scientific problems, collaborating with foreign experts in research and teaching, guiding graduate research, publishing achievements, applying for patents, etc. (1) Develop new technologies for energy conservation, emission reduction, resource utilization, energy conservation, and environmental protection, research key technologies for harmless treatment, crystallization, and salt resource utilization of high COD and high salinity complex wastewater, and possess 5000 tons/year waste salt resource utilization technology. (2) The COD concentration of the treated wastewater is efficiently reduced, and after harmless treatment, the wastewater can meet the discharge standard. The product after waste salt resource treatment meets the national standard, with a cost of less than 200 yuan/ton. (3) Develop functional separation materials and new processes, methods, and technologies for efficient resource utilization, and develop environmentally friendly water treatment agents and industrial water treatment technologies. Develop efficient utilization and separation and purification technologies for resources such as potassium, sodium, and calcium. Through energy-saving and consumption reduction measures, various resources can be efficiently utilized to address environmental pollution, resource waste, and non degradable issues in water treatment. Develop environmentally friendly water treatment agents and utilize useful substances in industrial wastewater as resources. Project Overview: Develop efficient utilization and separation purification technologies for resources such as potassium, sodium, and calcium. Through energy-saving and consumption reduction measures, various resources are efficiently utilized to address environmental pollution, resource waste, and non degradable issues in water treatment. Develop environmentally friendly water treatment agents and utilize useful substances in industrial wastewater as resources. Background: The total output value of China's chemical industry is 11.8 trillion yuan, accounting for 10.8% of the national industrial output value. Fine chemical industry is one of the most dynamic emerging fields in today's chemical industry. Fine chemical products have a wide range of types, high added value, wide applications, and high industrial correlation, directly serving various industries and high-tech industries in the national economy. They not only cover daily necessities such as coatings, dyes, daily chemical products, pesticides, pharmaceuticals, food additives, leather chemicals, but also aerospace, new energy New materials and other high-tech fields have been widely used, and the level of refinement has become one of the main indicators to measure the level of chemical development in a country/region. It is necessary to vigorously develop fine chemicals, but it also brings certain environmental problems. Compared to the statistics of the Ministry of Environmental Protection, in 2014, the chemical raw materials and chemical products industry discharged 2.64 billion tons of wastewater, a decrease of 240 million tons compared to 2011, while generating 60.545 million tons of industrial solid waste, an increase of 2.455 million tons compared to 2001. The production of fine chemicals is characterized by multiple synthesis steps, complex reactions, and high output value with few products. Often, only a few tons to hundreds of tons of raw materials are used to produce one ton of products, and there are many by-products and high discharge intensity of the three wastes. The wastewater generated in the fine chemical industry has a series of characteristics such as complex and variable composition, high COD content, difficult degradation of organic matter, and unstable concentration, especially the high salt content, which is more difficult to treat than other industrial wastewater. This has led to weak overall R&D and innovation capabilities, low resource and energy utilization rates, severe environmental pollution, and poor international competitiveness of enterprises in China's fine chemical industry. Currently, it has become one of the heavily polluting industries. As a major traditional fine chemical industry, dyes and dye intermediates are China's traditional advantageous industries and important industries related to basic people's livelihoods. The healthy development of the dye industry has a huge promoting effect on China's textile industry. In 2015, the domestic dye production exceeded 900000 tons, with over 800 dye varieties. The dye production ranked first in the world, accounting for over 70% of the global production capacity. In 2015, China's chemical pesticide production reached 3.74 million tons, occupying an important position in the global market. Due to the wide variety of dye and pesticide production, complex intermediate synthesis processes, and the presence of multiple anions and cations in wastewater, the salts recovered by the neutralization purification concentration method are mostly miscellaneous salts. The use of miscellaneous salts is limited and there is no effective way out, resulting in many enterprises' recycled by-product salts being piled up in warehouses, affecting normal production or treating these miscellaneous salts as hazardous waste, resulting in resource waste. On the other hand, relevant national departments are formulating product quality standards for by-product salts recovered in the production process or wastewater treatment of the dye industry. If these impurities cannot be effectively separated and purified, these by-product salts cannot be sold as qualified industrial salt products. Therefore, it is necessary to develop a technology for harmless treatment of high salt organic wastewater in the dye and pharmaceutical industries to prepare high-quality by-product salts. If this technology is successfully developed, It can effectively solve the problems of wastewater treatment and salt resource utilization in the dye industry. Zero discharge of industrial wastewater is the future trend of technological development. High salt and difficult to degrade industrial wastewater are important areas and also difficulties, and a zero discharge technical route must be adopted. The harmless treatment of high salt and high concentration organic wastewater, wastewater recycling, and waste salt resource utilization are problems that science and technology workers need to solve. During the 11th Five Year Plan period, the water project focused on tackling water pollution prevention and control technologies in key industries such as chemical synthesis, fermentation, and pharmaceutical industries, as well as heavy polluting chemical industries such as refining, chemical fiber, and nitrogen fertilizer. A large number of individual water pollution prevention and control technologies were obtained. During the 12th Five Year Plan period, the water project focused on funding the industrialization of key materials and equipment for deep treatment and reuse of industrial wastewater in typical industries -2012ZX07210, The research and development of the complete set of technologies and major equipment for zero discharge of refractory and high salinity industrial wastewater related to the subject have been carried out, including ultra critical oxidative degradation, electro adsorption desalination, electro driven ionic membrane and MVR evaporation and concentration technology, spray drying phosphorus free water treatment agent and application technology, ozone catalytic oxidation technology, electro catalytic oxidation technology, functional membrane degreasing technology and electrodialysis desalination, adsorption and recovery technology of substances in complex wastewater Development of individual technologies and equipment such as toxicity reduction technology. However, by analyzing the current development status of fine chemical industry during the 12th Five Year Plan period in China, the problem of wastewater discharge, especially solid waste salt discharge, in the fine chemical industry is still serious. This project is oriented towards the national major development strategy of "green economy and green society". Based on the preliminary research of the "Eleventh Five Year Plan" and "Twelfth Five Year Plan" water special projects, the dye and pesticide industries with heavy pollution in the fine chemical industry are selected to complete the harmless treatment of high salt/high concentration organic wastewater and the optimization and integration of key technologies for waste salt resource utilization, The research and development of nearly "zero" discharge of wastewater and salt recovery technology in typical fine chemical industries, as well as the application demonstration in typical river basins such as the "Yangtze River Basin", not only has practical necessity and urgency for promoting the transformation and upgrading of traditional fine chemical industry, but also will have important practical significance.


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company address:天津市北辰区西平道5340号

Company profile:河北工业大学的前身是创办于 1903 年的北洋工艺学堂,是我国最早的培养工业人才的高等学校,创办了全国最早的高校校办工厂。1929 年改称河北省立工业学院,1995 年更名为河北工业大学。115 年来,学校始终秉承“勤慎公忠”的校训精神,坚持“工学并举”的办学特色,形成了“勤奋、严谨、求实、进取”的优良校风,现已发展成为一所以工为主、多学科协调发展的国家“211 工程”重点建设高校,是河北省人民政府、天津市人民政府和教育部共建高校,2016 年入选河北省“国家一流大学建设”一层次学校,2017年入选国家“世界一流学科”建设高校,学校将重点建设“先进装备工程与技术”学科群。近年来,材料科学、化学、工程学三个学科领域分别进入 ESI 全球排名前 1%。

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