Introduction of advanced sewage treatment and environmental protection talents

industry field:Energy saving and environmental protection
release unit:河北紫旭节能环保技术咨询有限公司
demand unit:Hebei Zixu Energy Conservation and Environmental Protection Technology Consulting Co., Ltd
cooperation mode:unlimited
2023-06-06 18:16:28 6
Project description
In the process of 2025 manufacturing and environmental supervision in Hebei Province, industrial enterprises in Hebei Province need to introduce the most advanced international concepts in the process of industrial manufacturing industry structure adjustment and industrial upgrading. German Industry 4.0 is the most advanced international industrial manufacturing standard. Therefore, we have collaborated with Germany's most advanced industrial research and development and design units to introduce Germany's most advanced Fraunhofer Association (one of the top three in the world) to Hebei Province, and achieve super efficient factory waste resource utilization through industrial upgrading and overall optimization of districts, counties or parks. The business trip plan for the 2018 German environmental inspection was discussed with the Fraunhofer Association, which is the largest applied science research institution in Germany and Europe, dedicated to industrial applied technology research. Shaping technology, designing new products, improving production methods and technologies such as hygiene, communication, safety, energy conservation, and environmental protection, while inviting environmental technology experts and professors from the Sino German Cooperation Forum at Hornheim University to attend. We have had a preliminary meeting and negotiation, and the other party is interested. Further negotiations are needed. According to the requirements of the German Fraunhofer Association, if a cooperation intention is reached for this project, the annual working hours in China will be calculated based on 6 months, with an annual salary of approximately 60000 euros per person year, including transportation, travel and other costs of approximately 20000 euros per person year, and other expenses of 26000 euros per person. The annual cost calculated based on 5 people is approximately 530000 euros.


contact information:

company address:河北石家庄裕华区槐安路158号鑫科国际C-1401

Company profile:河北紫旭节能环保技术咨询有限公司位于石家庄市槐安东路158号,在天津、唐山、邯郸、沧州设有办事处。公司拥有专业的技术服务团队,高校、科研院所等科研机构有着良好的合作关系。公司专注于环保、节能、新能源、清洁生产等领域的专业咨询服务,主要在环评、监测、环保改造、验收、公共机构能源审计、节能评估改造等方面的专业、优质的服务,得到了广泛的好评。公司推行“一站式、管家式”服务,愿以“职业、敬业、专业”的企业精神,竭诚为政府公共机构、企业、事业单位提供专业咨询和服务。我公司曾为500多家工业企业提供环评、改造、验收等方面的服务;曾为河北省省本级、唐山、衡水、保定、秦皇岛等近百家政府机构提供节能服务。在工作中我公司注重新技术、新设备的研发、应用推广,2017年被认定为“河北省高新技术企业”。在以后的服务中我公司将会继续选择最先进的技术、设备,最优的服务质量为客户环保、节能升级保驾护航。

  • 2022-11-02 18:02 *** 电话联系了该立项企业
  • 2022-11-02 18:02 *** 电话联系了该立项企业
  • 2022-11-02 18:02 *** 电话联系了该立项企业
  • 2022-11-02 18:02 *** 电话联系了该立项企业
  • 2022-11-02 18:02 *** 电话联系了该立项企业
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