Hebei Medical University Fourth Hospital and tumor organizations such as EORTC and ESMO exchange and cooperation projects

industry field:Other areas
release unit:河北医科大学第四医院
demand unit:The Fourth Hospital of Hebei Medical University
cooperation mode:unlimited
2023-06-06 18:16:28 11
Project description
1. Introduce advanced concepts, excellent foundations, and clinical research results from international blood oncology clinical research, and transform them into clinical practice. 2. Create conditions to join the international team of blood oncology clinical research, participate in international multicenter clinical trials, bring data from China to international blood oncology clinical research, and voice China's voice. 3. Introduce foreign intelligence and strengthen international cooperation, To improve one's own clinical research level and gradually align with international high-level clinical research. The basic and clinical research of hematological tumors represented by lymphoma and multiple myeloma has undergone rapid progress in recent years, with significant advancements in pathological diagnosis, the emergence of new drugs, and the presentation of new clinical research results. This has greatly changed the pattern of hematological tumor diagnosis and treatment. These advanced concepts, excellent basic and clinical research achievements urgently need to be introduced into China and transformed into clinical practice. At the same time, the research and development of new drugs and hematological clinical oncology are increasingly showing a global trend. International multicenter clinical research has greatly changed the current clinical practice of oncology, joining the international team of hematological oncology clinical research, participating in international multicenter clinical trials, and bringing data from China to the forefront of international hematological clinical oncology research, It is also the responsibility of Chinese clinical hematology workers to be others. Therefore, it is an urgent task for us to introduce foreign intelligence, strengthen international cooperation, and improve our clinical research level, gradually aligning with international high-level clinical research.


contact information:

company address:河北省石家庄市长安区健康路12号

Company profile:河北医科大学第四医院(河北省肿瘤医院)有两个院区,主院区位于河北省石家庄市健康路12号,始建于1955年,占地210亩,建筑面积25万平方米,是一所以诊治肿瘤为重点的集医疗、教学、科研、预防、保健为一体的三级甲等综合性医院,是河北省、石家庄市医保和新农合定点医院,设有河北省癌症中心、河北省肿瘤研究所、河北省肿瘤防治办公室、河北省抗癌协会、河北省中日友好癌检诊中心,先后荣获全国卫生系统先进集体、全国医药卫生系统先进集体、全国明明白白看病百姓放心医院、全国文化、科技、卫生“三下乡”活动先进集体、全国援外医疗工作先进集体、河北省卫生计生系统先进集体等荣誉称号。

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  • 2022-11-02 18:02 *** 电话联系了该立项企业
  • 2022-11-02 18:02 *** 电话联系了该立项企业
  • 2022-11-02 18:02 *** 电话联系了该立项企业
  • 2022-11-02 18:02 *** 电话联系了该立项企业
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