International Preparatory College Cooperation Needs

industry field:Other areas
release unit:河北外国语学院
demand unit:Hebei University of Foreign Languages
cooperation mode:unlimited
2023-06-06 18:16:28 6
Project description
The International Preparatory College of Hebei University of Foreign Languages specializes in preparatory education for foreign universities, offering international research programs during winter/summer vacations, international class programs, undergraduate preparatory courses, master's preparatory courses, and more. There are currently over 50 vacation research projects, with international class projects involving 8 majors, 11 classes, and 123 students. Hebei Foreign Studies University is located in the capital of Hebei Province, Shijiazhuang. It is the only independently established private undergraduate foreign language university in Hebei Province. Its predecessor was Shijiazhuang Foreign Language Translation Vocational College, which was founded in 1998. In 2012, it was upgraded to an undergraduate institution and renamed Hebei Foreign Studies University. We hope to establish friendly cooperation with excellent universities and high schools abroad in the areas of short-term research, study tours, and joint education of students during their holidays. Cooperation requirement 1: Universities and high schools located in first and second tier cities of various countries. 2. Foreign schools have the ability to accommodate people aged 12-55 to visit and study, and can provide full reception in terms of accommodation, courses, cultural sightseeing, and other aspects. 3. Directly sign a friendly cooperation agreement with the university and coordinate the project with the responsible person. 4. Provide preferential policies to personnel dispatched by Hebei Foreign Languages University.


contact information:

company address:石家庄红旗南大街汇丰西路29号

Company profile:河北外国语学院简介河北外国语学院是一所综合性专业外国语大学,现有15个二级学院,在校生21000余人,开设了71个语种,136个专业,语种数量位居全国高校第二位,专业涉及传媒、计算机、金融、建筑、商务商贸、教育、医护、交通旅游、艺术表演及外国文学十大领域。学校是河北省外国院士工作站,现有7名院士,210名外籍专家,2名燕赵友谊奖获得者,2名外专百人计划专家。与世界82个国家的344所知名或著名大学开展着本、硕、博层次合作,与31个国家的驻华大使馆建立了友好合作关系,推动了多元经济文化的交融。学校是古巴科学院在中国高校设立的第一家“博士后科研流动站”,河北省10所重点应用型本科大学之一。中国教育部重点支持的26所民办本科高校之一,“2022年北京冬奥会”多语种翻译志愿者选拔基地。2018年成立了河北外国语学院“中国·‘一带一路’国家经济文化社会研究院”,下设六大区域与国别研究中心,包括欧洲研究中心、亚洲研究中心、非洲研究中心、拉丁美洲和加勒比研究中心、南太平洋岛国研究中心、与中国未建交国家研究中心。该平台紧跟国家和地方经济社会发展需要,下设每一个国家的国别研究所,通过丰富多元的课题、讲座、学术交流等活动,直接为“一带一路”倡议服务。学校聘请了世界科学院的知名青年科学家雅伊雷院士为国际人工智能研究院院长,目前“国际人工智能研究院”正积极建设省级人工智能实验室,并申请成为国家级人工智能实验室,推动人工智能在河北环境保护、智慧城市建设、现代农业、新能源、生物医药、老年康养等领域的落地应用。河北外国语学院世界公园型新校区将于明年投入使用。新校区占地2106亩,总建筑面积123万平方米,既是校园又是公园还是花园,是省市县三级重点建设工程。校园内湖光山色,曲径通幽,建有世界公园型教育教学区、产教融合示范区、国际风情小镇等9大功能区,不同楼宇彰显各大洲各国别区域的“文化、文明、历史、地理与传承”,使来自世界各国各地区的人民都能够找到自己的文化归属,是一所集世界多元文化交融一体、中外产教深度融合、国际师生纷至云集的“地球村”。志合者,不以山海为远。我们坚信,世界教育大局里离不开各国教育。在新的起点上,河北外国语学院将继续发挥“国际大学+”作用,积极同世界各国在教育命运共同体方面谋发展、促合作、图共赢,为推动世界教育做出河外贡献、河外智慧。

  • 2022-11-02 18:02 *** 电话联系了该立项企业
  • 2022-11-02 18:02 *** 电话联系了该立项企业
  • 2022-11-02 18:02 *** 电话联系了该立项企业
  • 2022-11-02 18:02 *** 电话联系了该立项企业
  • 2022-11-02 18:02 *** 电话联系了该立项企业
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