Introduction and Application of Diversified Collaborative Operating Mechanism for Science and Technology Innovation Transformation in Central and Eastern European Countries in Our Province

industry field:Education/Training
release unit:河北经贸大学
demand unit:Hebei University of Economics and Trade
cooperation mode:unlimited
2023-06-06 18:16:28 6
Project description
1. We have initially established a normalized liaison mechanism with Central and Eastern European countries, and maintained stable communication and exchange with higher education institutions, research institutions, and other units in Central and Eastern European countries. 2. Established the Central and Eastern European International Business Training College, which is positioned to serve national strategies, focus on regional development, cater to domestic and foreign enterprises, and showcase economic and trade characteristics, and has gained a certain level of popularity and reputation both domestically and internationally. 3. A high-quality professional talent team has been established, with most members holding doctoral degrees and professor titles. At present, the domestic members are mainly professionals from the School of International Business Studies in Central and Eastern Europe at Hebei University of Economics and Trade, while the foreign members are mainly professionals from the University of Belgrade in Serbia, the University of Visva in Poland, and the University of Babish Boya in Romania. 4. Various forms of communication and cooperation activities have been carried out, including international seminars and school enterprise cooperation training courses. High quality scientific and technological resources, enormous potential for scientific and technological innovation, and the latest innovation achievements. By hiring local liaison officers in Central and Eastern European countries, we actively promote exchanges and cooperation between our province's universities, enterprises, and their counterparts in Central and Eastern European countries. We vigorously carry out international seminars and training activities involving multiple parties, including universities, enterprises, and institutions in our province and Central and Eastern European countries, with a focus on promoting the construction and promotion of demonstration projects for scientific and technological innovation transformation, Effectively promote the introduction and application of diversified collaborative operation mechanisms for scientific and technological innovation transformation in Central and Eastern European countries in our province. Technological innovation and transformation are the key to implementing the new development concept, solving prominent contradictions that hinder current economic development, and accelerating the optimization of economic structure and transformation of growth momentum. Against the backdrop of world multipolarization, economic globalization, cultural diversity and social informatization, and with the solid progress and achievements of the "the Belt and Road" initiative, we should take the Central and Eastern European countries as important partners, and take "mutual learning, sharing and joint construction" as the guide, give full play to the diversified advantages of government leadership and integration of industry and education, Actively introducing and applying a diversified collaborative operation mechanism for technological innovation and transformation is of great theoretical and practical significance for the construction of "economically strong province and beautiful Hebei".


contact information:

company address:河北省石家庄市学府路47号

Company profile:河北经贸大学法学院于1998年经河北省教育厅批准建立,现已发展成为河北省法学研究和人才培养的重要基地,服务我省经济社会发展和法治建设的重要智库。学院目前有教职工65人,在校本科生800多人,硕士研究生500多人。学院十分注重师资队伍建设,目前有教授26人,副教授16人,博士研究生导师1人,硕士研究生导师40人,拥有博士学位的有35人。    法学院十分重视学科和专业建设。2008年,法学专业被教育部确定为国家特色专业建设点。2009年,经济法学科被评为省级重点学科。学院2011年获得法学硕士一级学科授权,现有民商法学、经济法学、法学理论、法律史、宪法学与行政法学、刑法学、环境与资源保护法学、国际法学等8个硕士招生专业。其中经济法学1998年获得授权,为河北省第一个法学硕士学位授权点。2016年被河北省政府确定为河北省唯一的法学“一流学科”建设单位。2019年,法学专业入选首批国家级一流本科专业建设点。学院拥有教育部批准的国家级法学特色专业、国家级法学专业综合改革试点,建有国家级大学生实践基地,还建有河北省人文社会科学重点研究基地、河北省法律硕士研究生实践教育基地、河北省省级优秀教学团队--“民商法团队”,是河北省法律专业硕士综合改革试点单位;设有河北省经济法研究会、财税法研究会、世界贸易组织法研究会、法哲学研究会、地方立法研究中心等研究机构。近年来,法学院先后承担国家社科基金项目、教育部、司法部、河北省社科基金等各层次项目130余项;在人民出版社、法律出版社等出版学术著作和教材36部;在《新华文摘》《法学家》《法律科学》等报刊发表学术论文150余篇;获河北省社科优秀成果奖、省社科基金优秀成果奖等17项。6个案例被全国法律硕士教学指导委员会评为全国法学优秀案例。学院坚持以培养通法律、懂经济的复合型人才为基本思路,注重学生理论水平和实践能力的培养,毕业生具有较高的综合素质和发展潜力。许多毕业生考取了中纪委、国家发改委、省政法委、省高院等国家和省部级公务员,有许多学生考取了中国人民大学、武汉大学、西南政法大学、中国政法大学等重点院校的博土、硕士研究生,倍受社会各界的好评与赞誉。

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