Research and development of analytical instruments in environmental testing laboratories (5 master's and doctoral students)

education requirement:doctor
industry field:Energy saving and environmental protection
cooperation mode:Hire experts
release unit:河北华清环境科技集团股份有限公司
2023-07-12 08:00:00 7
Position description
Professional Requirements Artificial intelligence, control engineering, electronic communication, automation, mechanical engineering, computer science, software engineering, and related majors. Research Content Utilizing industrial robot technology, artificial intelligence, and image processing technology to carry out the design and development of intelligent and unmanned laboratories: (1) Design and development of an intelligent automatic analysis and detection system; (2) Integrated application development of robot technology and AGV vehicle intelligent laboratory; (3) Design and development of IoT laboratory based on 5G communication technology; (4) Design and development of an Intelligent Unmanned Laboratory Information Management System (LIMS); (5) The application of VR/AR technology in intelligent laboratories; (6) The digital twin technology of intelligent laboratories.
Requirements introduction
Professional Requirements Artificial intelligence, control engineering, electronic communication, automation, mechanical engineering, computer science, software engineering, and related majors. Research Content Utilizing industrial robot technology, artificial intelligence, and image processing technology to carry out the design and development of intelligent and unmanned laboratories: (1) Design and development of an intelligent automatic analysis and detection system; (2) Integrated application development of robot technology and AGV vehicle intelligent laboratory; (3) Design and development of IoT laboratory based on 5G communication technology; (4) Design and development of an Intelligent Unmanned Laboratory Information Management System (LIMS); (5) The application of VR/AR technology in intelligent laboratories; (6) The digital twin technology of intelligent laboratories.
provide welfare
(1) The annual salary for master's degree is 200000 to 400000 yuan, while the annual salary for doctoral degree is 400000 to 600000 yuan. The annual salary for special talents is negotiable. Provide free apartments and dormitories. (2) Access to research start-up funds, encourage and support the application of various research topics, and enjoy project rewards. (3) Enjoy the Shijiazhuang Talent Green Card Policy (Master's standard: 100000 yuan for purchasing a house, 1500 yuan for renting a house per month; Doctor's standard: 300000 yuan for purchasing a house, 3000 yuan for renting a house per month). (4) The group provides resettlement fees and housing subsidies (master's standard: 100000 to 200000 yuan resettlement fees, 400000 to 600000 yuan housing subsidies after five years of work; doctoral standard: 200000 to 300000 yuan resettlement fees, 800000 to 1.2 million yuan housing subsidies after five years of work).


company address:

Company profile:河北华清环境科技集团股份有限公司成立于2006年,现有员工500余人,检测能力达2800多项。初期主要从事室内环境检测,2009年通过实验室检测认证。经过5年发展,在室内环境检测行业做到了河北省第一,营收达到180万元。根据国家环保形势发展,积极筹划水、土、气等环境检验检测工作,2011年通过了环保检测认证,由此进入环境检验检测领域,次年实现营收400万元,2020年达到了8400万元,平均复合增长率60%以上。2015年,公司开始组建空气站水站运维和研发团队,2017、2018年运维业务出现爆发式成长,相继中标河北省站、国家站、市站共1400台空气站、水站运维任务,同时承担国家采水任务,总金额达1.3亿。2017年,公司在“新三板”挂牌上市,2020年跃上精选层。获批国家高新技术企业、博士后科研工作站、河北省科技型中小企业、河北省科技小巨人企业、河北省企业技术中心、河北省环境监测质量控制技术创新中心、河北省院士工作站、河北省“专精特新”中小企业等多个科研平台。2021年6月,公司党总支部被中共中央授予“全国先进基层党组织”称号。2019年提出研发转型,研发队伍从不到10人增长到60余人,在环境水土气及环境在线监测设备、实验室自动化、智能化方向全面开展了研发工作。研发投入从2018年的230万增长到2020年的600万,2021年预计达到1000余万元。近5年来,研发团队承担研发项目18项,其中企业自选科技项目12项,政府和科研部门科技计划项目6项,获得政府资助共计715万元。取得5项发明专利、25项实用新型专利技术和20项软件著作权。研发项目主要源自公司研发团队的自主开发以及与院士团队的合作和成果转化,恶臭电子鼻、地下水监测设备填补了市场空白,大气网格化监测设备取得了良好的经济效益,联合河北科技大学、河北工业大学、天津大学等高校共同建设河北省环境监测质量技术创新中心和河北省企业技术中心。依托公司强大的运维团队,开展了智慧环保和智慧运维研发工作,建设了70余人的软硬件研发团队,包括4个自动实验室研发组、2个智慧环保研发组、2个智慧运维组、1个软件开发组。未来,公司以水环境监测、空气(水)站运维为基础,结合大数据、物联网、5G以及人工智能等高新技术,在智慧环保和全自动无人实验室领域深入开发,为环保智慧化和实验室智能化做出积极贡献。

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  • 2022-11-02 18:02 *** 电话联系了该立项企业
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