Honorary Director of Cardiovascular Surgery

education requirement:unlimited
industry field:Education/Training
cooperation mode:Hire experts
release unit:河北医科大学第一医院
2023-07-16 08:00:00 1
Position description
Hire well-known foreign experts to carry out clinical, scientific research, and teaching cooperation in our hospital. We will open a surgical day in the Department of Cardiovascular Surgery and regularly invite experts to guide surgeries and conduct business exchanges. At the same time, our hospital conducts scientific research cooperation in adult heart disease coronary artery bypass grafting, long-term observation and research of adult heart valve replacement patients, and shares the scientific research platform of both parties. We undertake research and observation on sub projects, and our hospital trains advanced physicians through external training. Through cooperation and exchange between both parties, we enhance the influence and strength of our heart center. Job responsibilities include: scientific research coordination, technical guidance services, and daily reception. Responsible for liaising and ensuring work.
Requirements introduction
Hire well-known foreign experts to carry out clinical, scientific research, and teaching cooperation in our hospital. We will open a surgical day in the Department of Cardiovascular Surgery and regularly invite experts to guide surgeries and conduct business exchanges. At the same time, our hospital conducts scientific research cooperation in adult heart disease coronary artery bypass grafting, long-term observation and research of adult heart valve replacement patients, and shares the scientific research platform of both parties. We undertake research and observation on sub projects, and our hospital trains advanced physicians through external training. Through cooperation and exchange between both parties, we enhance the influence and strength of our heart center. Job responsibilities include: scientific research coordination, technical guidance services, and daily reception. Responsible for liaising and ensuring work.
provide welfare
Funds are allocated annually for workstation research, clinical operation, and management. A dedicated person is responsible for the accommodation, itinerary, and domestic arrangements of foreign experts.


company address: 河北省石家庄市裕华区东岗路89号

Company profile:河北医科大学第一医院位于河北省石家庄市裕华区东岗路89号,始建于1971年6月26日,占地面积近100亩,是一所以脑病诊疗为主要特色、以心血管病诊疗为龙头学科、以先心病救治闻名省内外的集医疗、教学、科研、预防为一体的三级甲等综合性医院,是河北省、石家庄医保和新农合定点医院,设有国家卫计委脑卒中筛查与防治基地、首批国家干细胞临床研究机构、河北省脑老化与认知神经科学实验室、河北省烧伤救治工程技术研究中心、河北省国际科技合作基地,先后荣获国家爱婴医院、全国健康管理示范基地、全国百姓放心示范医院、中国百家改革创新医院、全国改善医疗服务示范医院等荣誉称号。

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  • 2022-11-02 18:02 *** 电话联系了该立项企业
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