English teacher

education requirement:unlimited
industry field:Education/Training
cooperation mode:Hire experts
release unit:石家庄瀚林幼儿园
2023-06-06 14:07:31 1
Position description
Professional background in English preschool education and at least 2 years of work experience as a preschool teacher.
Requirements introduction
Salary conditions provided for talents: ¥ 15000-20000 Insurance, social security, and commercial medical insurance. Whether to assist in applying for a visa to China, whether to assist in applying for a residence permit to China, whether to pick up a flight for the first time in China, whether to provide international round-trip airfare during the period in China, and whether to provide partial vacation subsidies in the form of airfare (similar to winter and summer vacations for primary and secondary schools) Food and accommodation are partially provided in the form of meal subsidies and rental housing subsidies. Can family members be resettled? Can children come to China for academic issues? No medical examination. Translation of language courses (if needed). No need


company address:石家庄高新区祁连大街与金沙南路交汇处东南角

Company profile:瀚林幼儿园位于石家庄市高新区,总占地24000㎡,园所设施在业内领先:有省会首家园内无氯恒温游泳馆;省会独家园内幼儿高尔夫球场;3层挑高大厅,8米宽室内廊道;纯自然、原生态的室外环境;60㎡超高标准生均占地面积……这些不计成本的设计,只为满足孩子不同年龄段的成长所需,带给孩子更科学、更安全、更健康的成长体验。同时,瀚林幼儿园携手国际名企芬兰乐普森集团,引进多元儿童益智设施;联合德国百年名企巴斯夫,打造顶级赛事塑胶跑道;联手知名品牌远大新风,将室内污染降为个位数。此外,基于幼儿身体发展状况,幼稚园聘请专业营养师作为指导,从瀚林专属农产品产地甄选喜禾优质有机食材,直送餐桌。他们所做的一切,都在致力于打造绿色、环保、安全、创意的童真童趣乐园。瀚林幼儿园结合本园独有的自然生态环境,通过 “直接感知、实践操作、亲身体验” 等符合儿童身心发展特点的科学途径,设置三级课程:通过“基础课程”让孩子具备中国灵魂,国际视野;“拓展课程”培养孩子民族自信;“个性化课程”满足孩子的兴趣爱好,让每一位从瀚林走出去的孩子都具备面对未来未知的多种能力。  

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