foreign language teaching

education requirement:unlimited
industry field:Education/Training
cooperation mode:Hire experts
release unit:唐山师范学院
2023-07-15 08:00:00 6
Position description
一、English foreign teacher (1 person) from a native English speaking country, serving as an undergraduate course in the English major of a university, with 16 class hours per week; 二、German speaking foreign teacher (1 person) from a native German country, serving as an undergraduate course in the German major at a university, with 16 class hours per week; Japanese foreign teacher (1 person) from a native Japanese country, serving as an undergraduate course in the Japanese language major at a university, with 16 class hours per week;
Requirements introduction
一、English foreign teacher (1 person) from a native English speaking country, serving as an undergraduate course in the English major of a university, with 16 class hours per week; 二、German speaking foreign teacher (1 person) from a native German country, serving as an undergraduate course in the German major at a university, with 16 class hours per week; Japanese foreign teacher (1 person) from a native Japanese country, serving as an undergraduate course in the Japanese language major at a university, with 16 class hours per week;
provide welfare
The conditions provided for talents include salary negotiation, insurance coverage, assistance in applying for a visa to China, assistance in obtaining a residence permit to China, first-time airport pickup, provision of international round-trip air tickets during my stay in China, provision of holidays, provision of accommodation and meals, and negotiation of arrangements for family members and children to study/work in China.


company address:河北省唐山市建设北路156号

Company profile:唐山师范学院是河北省一所全日制普通本科高等院校。学校前身为创办于1956年的唐山速成师范专科学校。1988年被原国家教委表彰为“全国优秀师专”,2000年经教育部批准改建为本科院校,2007年接受教育部本科教学工作水平评估,获良好等级,2014年被教育部评为全国首批“国防教育特色学校”。学校现有汉语言文学,思想政治教育,英语,汉语国际教育,法学5个一本招生专业。学校位于河北省唐山市高新技术开发区。唐山北依燕山,南临渤海,西与京津接壤,东与秦皇岛毗邻,是河北省经济强市。唐山区位优势突出、环境优美、底蕴深厚,为学校发展创造了优越条件。学校分为大学道校区和学院路校区,占地66.82万平方米,建筑面积34.34万平方米。教学科研仪器设备总值1.4532亿元,图书馆藏有纸质图书和电子图书245万册,有中外文期刊1442种。学校还有多媒体教室137个,各类功能性教室318个,各类试验场所189个,校外学生实习实训基地97个。学校现有全日制本、专科学生17871人,设有15个教学单位,64个本科专业,涵盖文学、理学、法学、经济学、历史学、教育学、管理学、农学、艺术学、工学10个学科门类。学校现有教职工1032人,具有高级职称教师418名,其中正高级职称教师104名;硕士学位教师598人,博士学位教师104人,有专任教师738人,有享受国务院特殊津贴专家3人,全国五一劳动奖章获得者1人,省管优秀专家3人。另有省特殊津贴专家、省教学名师、省五一劳动奖章获得者、省级优秀教师,还有省“三三三”人才工程第一、二、三层次人选,河北省“三育人”先进个人,市管优秀专家,市级劳动模范等,市级各类人才50人。

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  • 2022-11-02 18:02 *** 电话联系了该立项企业
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