
education requirement:unlimited
industry field:Biological medicine
cooperation mode:Hire experts
release unit:河北省眼科医院
2023-06-06 14:07:31 1
Position description
Requirements introduction
1、 Recruitment position: 4 clinical physicians, including 2 ophthalmologists, 1 otolaryngologist, and 1 oral and maxillofacial surgeon. 2、 Requirements for recruitment positions: 1. Have a full-time doctoral (post) graduate degree from the top 300 universities in the Thames Higher Education World University; 2. Undergraduate level: full-time related majors; 3. Age not more than 35; 4. Have strong scientific research ability, and publish two or more SCI (impact factor 3.0 and above) papers as the lead author; 5. Be able to diagnose and treat common and multiple diseases, and be able to carry out surgery independently; 6 Having good moral character and professional ethics, a sense of responsibility and professionalism, strong communication and coordination skills, and having physical conditions to perform duties normally. 3、 Talent benefits: 1. Enjoy national salary benefits and full performance bonuses. 2. The hospital will provide a resettlement fee of 100000 yuan, which will be distributed over 5 years. 3. Priority will be given to arranging a research start-up fund of 500000 yuan. 4. For doctoral students who purchase their first self occupied commercial housing in Xing, they will enjoy a purchase subsidy of 100000 yuan from the municipal government (distributed over 5 years). For those who have not purchased a house and have not moved into a talent apartment, a rent subsidy of 1500 yuan per month will be issued, with a payment period not exceeding 5 years.


company address:

Company profile:河北省眼科医院(邢台市眼科医院)萌芽于1886年(清光绪12年),1904年(光绪30年)建道济眼科诊所(即眼科医院雏形),历经116年的发展,现已成为以眼科为重点,以口腔科和耳鼻喉科为特色,集医疗、教学、科研和急救、预防、保健于一体的公立三级甲等眼科医院。医院分泉北新院区和顺德两个院区,占地200余亩,建筑面积12万多平方米,编制床位600张,拥有49个临床医技科室和33个专业病组,各学科中亚专业设置齐全,2019年为77余万患者提供门急诊服务,为3.1万患者提供住院服务,年开展手术4.3万台,患者辐射全国30个省市区,已成为晋、冀、鲁、豫中原地带区域性一流眼科医疗机构。       医院眼科被评为河北省重点学科和河北省临床重点专科,中医眼科被评为国家临床重点专科和国家重点学科。现设有河北省眼科学重点实验室、河北省眼科研究所、河北省眼病治疗中心、河北省中医眼科研究所、河北省眼科司法医学鉴定中心、河北省中医药重点研究室、博士后科研工作站,天津中医药大学、华北理工大学、河北医科大学研究生培养基地、河北医科大学附属医院(非隶属)、河北中医学院附属医院(非隶属)等科研、教学机构。 

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