The important program of Nansha of Guangzhou was released to promote the gathering of international high-end talents


On June 14, The State Council issued the Overall Plan for Deepening Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Comprehensive Cooperation in Nansha of Guangzhou Facing the World, proposing to accelerate the deepening of Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao comprehensive cooperation in Nansha of Guangzhou.

Five major tasks

The implementation scope of the Plan covers the whole area of Nansha District, Guangzhou, with a total area of about 803 square kilometers. In accordance with the time sequence of gradual and point-to-point construction, Nanshawan, Qingsheng Hub and Nansha Hub in Nansha Area of China (Guangdong) Pilot Free Trade Zone are selected as the pilot zones, with a total area of about 23 square kilometers.
The plan sets out five major tasks: building a cooperation base for science and technology innovation industries, creating a cooperation platform for youth entrepreneurship and employment, building a high level of opening up to the outside world, creating a plateau for connecting rules and mechanisms, and establishing a benchmark for high-quality urban development.
The plan puts "building a base for cooperation in science, technology and innovation industries" at the top of five tasks. It also proposed to focus on four aspects: strengthening joint innovation in science and technology between Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao, creating major platforms for science and technology innovation, fostering and developing high-tech industries, and promoting the gathering of international high-end talents.

The enterprise income tax shall be levied at a reduced rate of 15% for the encouraged industrial enterprises in the pilot start-up areas

"Plan" proposed to cultivate and develop high - tech industry.
We will develop smart manufacturing, accelerate the building of a number of smart manufacturing platforms, and build an industrial chain of "smart manufacturing plus smart services". We will accelerate the construction of intelligent connected automobile industrial parks, promote the R&D and industrialization of intelligent pure electric vehicles, strengthen testing and demonstration of intelligent connected vehicles, and build an intelligent connected automobile industry chain and an intelligent transportation industry cluster. We will promote the establishment of specialized robot innovation centers, vigorously develop industrial robots and service robots, and promote the development of unmanned systems such as drones and unmanned boats.
To develop the digital industry, accelerate the development of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area Innovation Centre as the National Engineering Centre for the next Generation of the Internet, and promote the development of Internet Protocol Version 6 (IPv6) industrial application demonstration and next-generation Internet computing services. We will leverage the role of the national public sign management service platform for the Internet of Things, and promote the cluster development of emerging industries such as the Internet of Things and cloud computing. To speed up the construction of the Nansha (Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao) data service pilot Zone, and the construction of an international optical cable landing station.
We will build national demonstration bases for developing the Marine industry through science and technology, promote research, development and application of technologies for the comprehensive development of combustible ice and Marine living resources, and promote the industrialization of energy technologies such as oceanographic power generation equipment and advanced energy storage technologies.
According to the Plan, enterprises in key high-tech industries in Nansha should further extend the period for carrying forward losses. The enterprise income tax shall be levied at a reduced rate of 15% for enterprises in encouraged industries in the pilot start-up areas, and a catalogue of preferential industries shall be formulated according to procedures.

To provide more financial support to Hong Kong and Macao research institutions and innovation carriers in Nansha

The Plan clearly states that Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao will strengthen joint innovation in science and technology.
To innovate the mechanism for scientific and technological cooperation, implement tax policies to support the import of scientific and technological innovation, encourage the import of related scientific research equipment, and allow scientific research institutions in Hong Kong and Macao to be exempted from compulsory product certification for products and samples required for scientific research, testing, certification and inspection.
To promote the deep integration of finance with science and technology and industries, explore new businesses and models of innovative scientific and technological financial services, and provide more financial support to Hong Kong and Macao research institutions and innovation carriers in Nansha. According to the Plan, qualified Hong Kong private equity funds will be supported to participate in the financing of Hong Kong-funded innovative technology enterprises in Nansha.

Promote the concentration of international high-end talents

Nansha will innovate its talent policy system, implement special support measures for talents from Hong Kong and Macao, and take the lead in making breakthroughs in talent introduction, equity incentive, technology investment, professional title evaluation, professional qualification recognition, children's education, commercial medical insurance and other aspects.

For Hong Kong and Macao residents working in Nansha, the part of their individual income tax burden exceeding the tax burden of Hong Kong and Macao shall be exempted. To support Nansha in implementing stronger policies for the introduction of international high-end talents, and to facilitate entry, stay and residence of international high-end talents.

We will implement the mode of training innovative talents through industry-university-research cooperation, accelerate the construction of post-doctoral research stations, research workstations and post-doctoral innovation practice bases, and encourage international high-end talents to enter Nansha. We will vigorously develop international human resource services, build an international talent database, build human resource service industrial parks, and allow qualified international talents with permanent residence status in the mainland to set up scientific and technological enterprises and serve as legal representatives of scientific research institutions.


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