country:No limit
release time:2023-06-06
release unit:河北寰球才智网
core technology:Cooperative education projects
demand unit:Hebei Ethnic Normal University
cooperation mode:unlimited
country:No limit
release time:2023-06-06
release unit:河北寰球才智网
core technology:Joint research and development projects in the field of health and wellness industry technology
demand unit:Yanshan University
cooperation mode:unlimited
country:South Korea
release time:2023-06-06
release unit:河北寰球才智网
core technology:Design brand resources
demand unit:Xinji Fengshang Industrial Design Co., Ltd
cooperation mode:unlimited
country:No limit
release time:2023-06-06
release unit:河北寰球才智网
core technology:Research and development of new building materials, research and development of construction robots, and core technologies for building waste recycling and treatment
demand unit:Hebei Longcheng Building Materials Technology Co., Ltd
cooperation mode:unlimited
release time:2023-06-06
release unit:天俱时工程科技集团有限公司
demand unit:Tianjushi Engineering Technology Group Co., Ltd
cooperation mode:unlimited
release time:2023-06-06
release unit:河北对外经贸职业学院
demand unit:Hebei Vocational College of Foreign Economic and Trade
cooperation mode:unlimited
release time:2023-06-06
release unit:河北对外经贸职业学院
demand unit:Hebei Vocational College of Foreign Economic and Trade
cooperation mode:unlimited
release time:2023-06-06
release unit:河北外国语学院
demand unit:Hebei University of Foreign Languages
cooperation mode:unlimited
release time:2023-06-06
release unit:河北医科大学第四医院
demand unit:The Fourth Hospital of Hebei Medical University
cooperation mode:unlimited
release time:2023-06-06
release unit:河北四通新型金属材料股份有限公司
demand unit:Hebei Sitong New Metal Materials Co., Ltd
cooperation mode:unlimited