Power electronic transformer

industry field:Electronic information
release unit:河北旭辉电气股份有限公司
demand unit:Hebei Xuhui Electric Co., Ltd
cooperation mode:unlimited
2023-06-06 18:16:28 11
Project description
The production line, inspection equipment, and personnel in the production workshop have the ability to produce 400 sets of STATCOM products per year. The current production line can be transformed to produce power electronic transformers. The technology of power electronic transformers is not mature and is currently only in the prototype stage. It does not yet have the conditions for mass production. By introducing technology or collaborating with relevant experts, we can jointly promote the technological maturity of power electronic transformers and form conditions for mass production. After the completion of project research and development, small-scale prototype production will be carried out first. After accumulating on-site operating experience, power electronic transformers can be put into the market in batches. They are the cutting-edge and key supporting equipment required for the development of future AC/DC hybrid distribution networks, and belong to the high-end equipment field of power grid equipment, with good development prospects. Due to the technical difficulty and complex control of products, design and manufacturing are facing challenges. Only Xuji Group and the Institute of Electrical Engineering of the Chinese Academy of Sciences have produced trial prototypes in China. Power electronic transformers can greatly reduce the volume and weight of transformers, and are no longer simply traditional transformers. They not only complete the transformation, isolation, and energy transfer of conventional transformers, but also perform functions such as power flow control and power quality regulation.


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Company profile:河北旭辉电气股份有限公司(旭辉电气)坐拥河北省省会——石家庄市国家级高新技术开发区湘江道226号,是经国家科技部备案的高新技术企业和河北省软件企业。    旭辉电气作为研发、设计、生产、销售、服务为一体的“业界知名的智能化电力设备供应商”,秉承“致力于使电能分配与传输更加可靠、清洁、灵活、智能”的核心理念,以“具有高技术含量的一二次结合的智能化电力设备”作为产品发展战略,陆续推出了“6-66kV自动跟踪接地补偿及选线成套装置”、“6-35kV有源动态高压无功补偿成套装置”、“6-35kV调压型高压无功补偿成套装置”、“6-35kV磁控型高压无功补偿成套装置”、“电网过电压在线监测装置”、“便携式超高速(50M)电力波形记录仪”等产品。其中“6-66kV自动跟踪接地补偿及选线成套装置”作为河北省名牌产品在国家电网集中招标采购中,市场占用率名列前茅。    旭辉电气生产的数千台套的各类产品运行在全国三十一个省市的600多家供电公司和新能源、钢铁、煤炭、化工、水利等行业中的上百家大型厂矿企业,为保障电网安全可靠运行做出了应有贡献,以优质的产品和周到的服务赢得广泛赞誉和好评。公司拥有省级企业技术中心、河北省电能质量控制技术工程实验室、河北省配电设备智能化技术创新中心、博士后科研工作站等技术创新机构,并拥有一支架构稳定、结构合理的高水平的创新团队和技术领军人才队伍,截至目前,自主研发项目及科技成果30余项,共申请获批专利61项,其中发明专利13项,多个项目列入到省、市科学技术与发展规划。 

  • 2022-11-02 18:02 *** 电话联系了该立项企业
  • 2022-11-02 18:02 *** 电话联系了该立项企业
  • 2022-11-02 18:02 *** 电话联系了该立项企业
  • 2022-11-02 18:02 *** 电话联系了该立项企业
  • 2022-11-02 18:02 *** 电话联系了该立项企业
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