Design and Development of Advanced Intelligent Microelectromechanical Sensor System

industry field:Education/Training
release unit:河北科技大学
demand unit:Hebei University of Science and Technology
cooperation mode:unlimited
2023-06-06 18:16:28 11
Project description
At present, the project team relies on the good scientific research environment of key provincial key universities, the National Bureau of Defense Science, Technology and Industry and Hebei Province's joint university - Hebei University of Science and Technology, School of Electrical Engineering Master's Degree in Electrical Machinery and Electrical Appliances, Detection Technology and Automation Devices, provincial key disciplines in detection technology and automation devices, AVIC general aviation Industrial Key Engineering Laboratory and Hebei Production Process Automation Engineering Technology Research Center, We have a complete electric drive experimental testing platform, high-performance digital oscilloscopes, and computer controlled experimental equipment, and have the ability to independently develop corresponding equipment. The team members are arranged neatly, with backgrounds covering electrical, control, measurement and control fields, all of which ensure the smooth completion of the research project. (1) The scale of the research team still needs to be expanded, and it is necessary to self cultivate and introduce high-level talents, actively learn from the experience and foundation of partners, strengthen the research strength and accumulation of the team in this discipline. (2) The influence of research results is not high enough, and the level of published papers needs to be continuously improved. In terms of independent intellectual property rights, it also needs to be continuously enhanced. (1) Further refine the research direction of the discipline, guided by the research on core application issues in the direction of new micro electromechanical sensors. Strengthen academic exchanges, encourage teachers to participate in international academic conferences and study abroad in related disciplines, or carry out collaborative research in the field of teaching and research with foreign research institutions. (2) Strengthen the curriculum construction of graduate students and hire as many domestic and foreign experts and scholars as possible to offer cutting-edge theoretical courses. Encourage graduate students to actively participate in important academic conferences in China. Further deepen the reform of talent cultivation mode and continuously improve the quality of graduate talent cultivation. (3) Based on the cooperation of the project, summarize the research results and publish more than 10 high-level papers in domestic and foreign academic journals, including 3 papers indexed by SCI and 3 papers indexed by EI. Participated in international academic conferences for achievement exchange and published more than 3 papers, achieving breakthroughs in sensor modeling, motor structure design, and control. Applied for more than 2 invention patents and trained 3 master's students on this basis. The School of Electrical Engineering of North University of Science and Technology currently has master's degree authorization for the first level discipline of control science and engineering and the second level discipline of motor and electrical appliances, and two master's degree awarding fields of control engineering and electrical engineering. Detection technology and automation devices are national defense characteristic disciplines. Our research team has published over 120 papers (including 30 SCI papers and 40 EI papers), published 3 monographs, obtained 7 invention patents, and trained 23 master's students. At the same time, relying on projects from the National Natural Science Foundation of China, the Provincial Natural Science Foundation of China, and the Provincial Department of Education, we have gradually achieved a transformation from academic research exploration to practical application orientation, and achieved certain results in industrial transformation. 12 projects were carried out, with a total budget of over 2.3 million yuan introduced. And the research on these topics


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Company profile:河北科技大学坐落于河北省石家庄市,占地2760亩,由原河北轻化工学院、河北机电学院、河北省纺织职工大学、河北纺织工业学校合并组建而成。1956年举办高等教育,在多年的办学历程中,学校始终坚持“致力于人的全面发展,服务于区域经济建设和社会进步”的办学宗旨,秉承“兴业、尽责”的校训和“进取、协作、奉献”的科大精神,为国家培养了30余万优秀毕业生。学校是河北省首批重点建设的多科性骨干大学、河北省人民政府与国家国防科技工业局共建高校、河北省重点支持的国家一流大学建设高校、教育部“卓越工程师教育培养计划”高校。2021年获批成为博士学位授予单位。 学校设有21个教学学院(部),80个本科专业,学科专业涵盖工、理、文、经、管、法、医、教育、艺术九大门类。现有9个省级重点学科、1个省级重点发展学科,1个学科入选河北省世界一流学科建设项目、2个学科入选河北省国家一流学科建设项目。工程学学科、化学学科进入ESI世界排名前1%。拥有1个博士学位授权一级学科,28个硕士学位授权一级学科,16个硕士专业学位授权类别。学校现有全日制本科生、研究生、留学生23000余人,教职工2400余人,特聘中外院士5人,新世纪百千万人才工程国家级人选2人,享受国务院特贴专家、省高端人才等各类高层次人才150余人次,全国优秀教师2人,省级教学名师15人。 学校先后获国家级教学成果二等奖1项、省级教学成果奖66项,获批国家级“本科教学质量与教学改革工程项目”29项。5个专业入选“卓越工程师教育培养计划”试点专业,8个专业通过中国工程教育专业认证,13个专业入选国家级一流本科专业建设点,25个专业入选省级一流本科专业建设点。1门课程被认定为国家级一流本科课程,1门课程被评为国家精品在线开放课程,43门课程被认定为省级一流本科课程。2020年全国高校学科竞赛排行榜中,位列全国第77位、河北省第2位。学校被评为全国创新创业典型经验高校、全国深化创新创业教育改革示范高校。本科毕业生去向落实率居省属高校前列,培养出中国科学院院士韩布兴、陈光,中国工程院院士任洪强等优秀校友,连续多年入选中国大学富豪校友排行榜百强高校。 学校先后获国家科技进步奖二等奖1项,全军科技进步一等奖1项,全国高等学校技术发明二等奖1项。获得省部级科技奖励210余项,其中一等奖15项、二等奖65项。取得各类专利授权2500余项,出版著作1200余部。与370个地方政府及行业组织、企事业单位建立了科技教育合作关系,学校作为建设单位拥有26个省部级以上科技创新平台,加入国家产业技术创新联盟3个、省产业技术创新战略联盟5个。学校获批“国家技术转移示范机构”,在上海软科2019全国高校成果转化排名中位列全国第98位、河北省第4位,全国科技服务排名中位列全国92位、河北省第2位。2018年学校入选“自然指数”中国内地高校前200榜单。《河北科技大学学报》入编北大《中文核心期刊要目总览》。 学校与24个国家的109所大学和科研机构开展了交流与合作,现有澳联大信息工程学院(下设4个计算机信息类专业)以及服装与服饰设计、产品设计、金属材料工程、环境科学、工业设计工程5个中外合作办学专业。开设全英语授课专业15个,招收来自40余个国家(地区)的留学生。河北省首家韩国世宗学堂落户我校。在大学国际化水平排名(2017URI)中位列全国高校99位。获批国家科技部国际科技合作项目、河北省外专百人计划、国际科技合作基地等21项,获评“河北省引才引智十佳单位”等称号。 征程万里风正劲,重任千钧再奋蹄。展望未来,全体科大人将拼搏奋进、攻坚克难,朝着学校第三次党代会确立的建设特色鲜明的全国一流大学的奋斗目标不懈努力,为建设经济强省、美丽河北,实现中华民族伟大复兴中国梦作出新的更大贡献! (数据截止时间:2022年6月25日)

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