Research on the Application Practice of Artificial Intelligence in the Field of Smart Cities

core technology:information technology
industry field:Management/Consulting
release unit:河北省国际高端人才交流协会
demand unit:Hebei International High end Talent Exchange Association
cooperation mode:Project cooperation
2023-06-06 18:20:28 11
Project description
1、 Hebei International High end Talent Exchange Association is an academic and non-profit organization voluntarily formed by higher education institutions and domestic and foreign enterprises engaged in education, economy, science and technology within Hebei Province to achieve common aspirations. The association adheres to the national development strategy and provincial and municipal decision-making deployment requirements, practices the strategic idea of "gathering talents from all over the world and using them", coordinates domestic and international talent resources, carries out exchanges and cooperation with relevant organizations at home and abroad, promotes academic exchange of high-end talents between China and foreign countries, draws on advanced domestic and foreign experiences, strengthens the construction of the talent introduction achievement sharing system, promotes the opening up and economic development of Hebei Province to the outside world, and promotes the internationalization and specialization of Hebei Province Contribute to the transformation of market-oriented talent resources and achievements, organize international trade fairs, international education seminars and exhibitions, organize international trade fairs, international education seminars and exhibitions, edit and publish important publications introducing foreign policies, regulations, culture, education, and other aspects. 2、 Intended to introduce project technology requirements, core technology, artificial intelligence application technology, intention country, Cuba intention unit, Cuban Academy of Sciences, project background, smart city is the use of information and communication technology to sense, analyze, and integrate key information of the core system of urban operation, in order to make intelligent responses to various needs, including people's livelihood, environmental protection, public safety, urban services, and industrial and commercial activities. Its essence is to utilize advanced information technology to achieve intelligent urban management and operation, thereby creating a better life for people in the city and promoting harmonious and sustainable growth of the city. Since the concept of "smart city" was introduced, relevant enterprises, research institutions, and experts at home and abroad have defined and studied it one after another. In summary, it is mainly reflected in the following three aspects. Firstly, the construction of smart cities will inevitably focus on the application of information technology. Smart cities can be considered as the advanced stage of urban informatization, inevitably involving the innovative application of information technology, which is represented by emerging hot technologies such as the Internet of Things, cloud computing, mobile internet, and big data. Secondly, smart cities are a complex and interactive system. In this system, information technology and other resource elements optimize and work together to promote the smarter operation of cities. Thirdly, smart cities are an emerging model of urban development. The service objects of smart cities are oriented towards urban entities - governments, enterprises, and individuals. Its result is the transformation, improvement, and improvement of urban production and lifestyle, ultimately manifested as a better urban life for humanity. Artificial intelligence, also known as "21st century electricity", provides power for everything. Therefore, the country has continuously increased its support for emerging industries such as artificial intelligence and introduced a series of policies to actively promote their innovative development. From the "13th Five Year" National Science and Technology Innovation Plan to the "Internet plus" Three Year Action Plan for Artificial Intelligence, and then to the "New Generation Artificial Intelligence Development Plan", we are constantly proposing research and development and supporting the development of artificial intelligence industry, and promoting the innovation of intelligent products in key fields. The future of artificial intelligence and the development of cities are synergistic and complementary. In October 2019, the "Shijiazhuang New Smart City Master Plan (2019-2021)" formulated and issued by the Shijiazhuang Municipal Government was officially released to the public, marking a new stage in the urban development of Shijiazhuang. Shijiazhuang, as the political, economic, technological, financial, and cultural center of the province, has five obvious characteristics. It is located in the center of North China and the hinterland of Beijing Tianjin Hebei, with a transportation hub, developed commerce and logistics, prominent geographical advantages, profound cultural history, and a long history and glorious revolutionary tradition. It is a key town in North China, with strong population adsorption capacity, and a permanent population of over ten million. It has been selected as one of the top ten happy cities in China six times, The People's Livelihood Happiness Index ranks among the top in the country, with a solid foundation in traditional industries and technological innovation. There are numerous research institutes and high-tech enterprises, and there are obvious advantages in innovation and talent. At the same time, Shijiazhuang is also facing problems such as the transformation and upgrading of traditional industries, the expansion and strengthening of the county economy, resource and environmental constraints, and ecological pressure. Therefore, Shijiazhuang City proposes to build a new type of smart city, reshape the city's core competitiveness, and accelerate the integration into the world-class smart city cluster of Beijing Tianjin Hebei by promoting new urbanization and building a modern provincial capital city. The construction of smart Shijiazhuang shoulders an important historical mission. Expected goal 1. Relying on the first president unit of the Hebei International High end Talent Exchange Association - the "Academician Workstation" of Hebei University of Foreign Languages, to introduce three experts in the field of industrial intelligence globally, and contribute to the construction of Shijiazhuang and Hebei. 2. Hebei Foreign Languages College has successfully signed agreements with 8 universities in Cuba to jointly cultivate master's and doctoral students in the field of artificial intelligence. While recruiting students nationwide, it actively introduces advanced teaching models and excellent talent training programs to cultivate high-end artificial intelligence talents for Shijiazhuang City, Hebei Province, and even the whole country. 3. Using the International Institute of Artificial Intelligence as a platform, we will further consolidate the connections between foreign universities we have already cooperated with, actively carry out new cooperation projects, and focus on researching the overall architecture of smart cities with optimized artificial intelligence systems, resource sharing, powerful functions, rich applications, and efficient management. 4. Based on the unique characteristics and disciplinary advantages of the 8 universities cooperating with Cuba, undertake research projects in the field of artificial intelligence, and promote the implementation and application of artificial intelligence projects in urban construction, smart cities, elderly health care, and other fields. The conditions (equipment/personnel/funds) are now met. The President of Hebei International High end Talent Exchange Association, Hebei Foreign Languages College, is an "academician workstation" in Hebei Province. The "International Artificial Intelligence Research Institute" has been established, with foreign AI academicians and teams conducting relevant research work.


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Company profile:根据《社会团体登记管理条例》规定,2019年1月31日经业务主管单位一河北省工商业联合会审查通过,2019年4月30日经河北省民政厅审核通过,准予成立河北省国际高端人才交流协会. 河北省国际高端人才交流协会是一个由河北省范围内从事教育、经济、科学技术等方面的的高等学校和国内外企业为实现共同意愿而自愿组成的学术性、非营利性组织。协会坚持围绕国家发展战略和省市决策部署要求,践行"聚天下英才而用之"的战略思想,统筹国内国际人才资源,开展与国内外相关组织之间的交流与合作,推进中外高端人才学术交流,借鉴国内外先进经验,加强引智成果共享体系建设;促进河北省对外开放和经济发展,为河北走向国际化、专业化、市场化的人才资源和成果转化做贡献;举办国际贸易洽谈会、国际教育研讨会和展览会;举办国际贸易洽谈会、国际教育研讨会和展览会;组织编辑出版介绍国外政策、法规、文化、教育等方面的重要出版物等。 作为河北省国际高端人才交流协会的第一任会长单位,国家5A级民办高校、被河北省外国专家局授予的"外国院士工作站"、省委省政府授予的"河北省招才引智十佳单位"的河北外国语学院,充分利用自身优势大力支持协会的各方面工作的推进。同时,协会吸纳了大量社会高端人才和优秀企业加入进来,如河北省翻译学会副会长魏侦、石家庄以岭药业股份有限公司总经理吴相君、河北迈科医药集团有限公司董事长孙丽、石家庄和协口腔医院院长耿玉芝等23位企业家及专家学者任协会常务理事;河北省翻|译学会、石家庄以岭药业股份有限公司、河北迈科医药集团有限公司、河北省中医院、石家庄和协口腔医院、河北工业大学、河|北师范大学、石家庄森泰园林建筑工程有限公司、求实科技集团有限公司、石家庄一建建设集团有限公司、河北医科大学第二医院、河北工业大学、香港建投集团有限公司、河北太行国宾馆管理有限公司等77家优秀企业成为协会会员单位,其中的以岭药 业、河北太行宾馆都是其行业领域的佼佼者,有着丰富的企业经营经验;河北医科大学第一医院、第二医院以及河北省中医院拥 有河北省最前沿的医疗资源;而河北工业大学、河北师范大学作为河北省一流高校、有着众多高端科研成果以及优秀技术人才。 这些企事业单位涵盖了教育、医疗、建筑、环保等多个领域,为协会构建出一张强大的社会资源网络。 为了给会员单位搭建开放式的合作平台,搭建人才培训提升的 成长平台,搭建技术研发、转化的交流平台,使各会员单位能“聚 天下英才而用之”,协会重点在以下方面开展业务,研究高端人才引 进及管理标准、制度和规则,提高针对高端人才的管理水平;开展 与国内外相关组织之间的交流与合作,开展各类人才交流学习,推 进中外高端人才学术交流活动;举办各类高端交流会议。组织协调 与本会相关的国内外调查研究、参观考察活动等,承办及引进国内 外政府、企业及相关机构的各类合作项目和人才交流活动;为政府 及各企事业单位提供人才、信息支持,组织编辑出版介绍国外政策、 法规、文化、教育等方面的重要出版物;开展其它与本会相关的业 务活动及表彰、宣传工作。 协会成立以来,在省非公有制经济商(协)会党委的领导下, 河北省国际高端人才交流协会设立了党支部,我们紧紧围绕学习贯 彻落实党的十九大精神,以思想建设为统领,以落实全面从严治党 为主线,以提高党员干部素质为根本,积极学习及开展主题教育。2019 年下半年,协会党支部组织召开了十九大四中全会学习交流会、 召开了“不忘初心、牢记使命”为主题的党员组织生活会、组织党 支部党员干部及部分会员单位党员代表共同观看了“不忘初心、牢 记使命”主题教育成果教育电视片《见证初心和使命的“十一书”》 等系列展播等。党员干部通过学习,真真切切的了解了中国特色社 会主义制度的重要性和指导性,在工作中健全协会的治理体系,做 到以制度引导工作,以制度监督工作。      

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  • 2022-11-02 18:02 *** 电话联系了该立项企业
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