Introduction, Innovation, and Demonstration Application of Red Pear Germplasm Resources

core technology:Introduction, Innovation, and Demonstration Application of Red Pear Germplasm Resources
industry field:Modern agriculture
release unit:沧州市农林科学院
demand unit:Cangzhou Academy of Agriculture and Forestry Sciences
cooperation mode:Project cooperation
2023-07-12 11:17:20 16
Project description

Cangzhou Academy of Agriculture and Forestry Sciences is one of the important regional agricultural research, technical services and achievements transformation centers in Heilonggang Basin. Based on serving the local agricultural industrialization production, we have formed distinct scientific research and professional characteristics in the fields of drought resistance and salt tolerance new variety breeding, dry farming water-saving cultivation, underground pest control, characteristic jujube fruit, forage breeding and cultivation, and formed a batch of research and innovation achievements with independent intellectual property rights.
In Huanghua, Botou, Cangxian and Dongguang, 13 demonstration bases for rainfed and dry farming, high-efficiency cotton planting bases, standardized production bases for Yali, pollution-free production bases for Jinsi jujube, and new crop varieties exhibition bases have been established, which basically cover all counties and cities in Cangzhou City, and promote new varieties and new technologies totaling 130 million mu, playing an important role in scientific and technological support for agricultural development in Cangzhou.
Intended country: The main problem to be solved through the project is to seek foreign well-known experts in the field of fruit tree breeding and cultivation technology to conduct research on the introduction, innovation, and demonstration of red pear germplasm resources. Research on the introduction, innovation, and demonstration application of red pear germplasm resources.


contact information:

company address:河北省沧州市运河区学院路

Company profile:沧州市农林科学院始建于1955年,是我市惟一一所综合性农业科研机构,也是黑龙港流域重要的区域性农业科研、技术服务、成果转化中心。下设农作物品种改良中心、农田高效研究所、资源环境与草业研究所、植物保护研究所、林果研究所、枣业研究所、蔬菜花卉研究所等七个研究所,在建海洋与水产研究所。设有土壤养分分析实验室、植物营养分析实验室、作物分子育种实验室、植物抗倒性鉴定及耐盐鉴定实验室。农科院立足服务当地农业产业化生产,针对当地生产和生态特点,经过几代人的科研攻关,在抗旱耐盐新品种选育、旱作节水栽培、地下害虫防治、特色枣果、牧草育种栽培等领域形成鲜明科研专业特色。   现有职工122人,其中研究员15名,副研究员28名,国务院特贴专家4名,省管专家1名,省突贡专家6名,沧州市专业技术拔尖人才15名, 博士、硕士研究生31人,建立起完整的人才研究梯队。   我院先后获得国家发明奖、省市科技进步奖、丰收奖等各类研究成果173项,培育出农作物优良品种34个,获得国家专利授权25项,出版著作15部,SCI及核心期刊论文125篇,形成一批具有自主知识产权的研究创新成果。   我院目前承担《渤海粮仓科技示范工程》等国家科技支撑计划、国家“十三五”重点研发计划、国家现代农业产业体系、农业部行业专项、国家外专局、省科技支撑、省农开办及沧州市各类在研科研项目45项,在黄骅、泊头、沧县、东光建立雨养旱作示范基地、棉花高效种植基地、鸭梨标准化生产基地、金丝小枣无公害生产基地、作物新品种展示基地等13处,基本覆盖沧州市各县市,推广新品种、新技术累计1.3亿亩,为沧州农业发展起到重要的科技支撑作用。

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  • 2022-11-02 18:02 *** 电话联系了该立项企业
  • 2022-11-02 18:02 *** 电话联系了该立项企业
  • 2022-11-02 18:02 *** 电话联系了该立项企业
  • 2022-11-02 18:02 *** 电话联系了该立项企业
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