Mechanical Engineer

education requirement:undergraduate
industry field:Electronic information
cooperation mode:Hire experts
release unit:河北易沃克机器人科技有限公司
2023-07-12 08:00:00 2
Position description
Job function: 1. Based on the product ID diagram, complete the structural design, evaluate the processability of the ID, and provide optimization suggestions for the ID; 2. Responsible for product scheme design, structural design, transmission design, evaluation of processing technology, assembly technology, etc; 3. Create a BOM list, review, follow up, and accept the molds, confirm the samples, and confirm the sample recognition letter; 4. Responsible for timely summarizing and archiving the research and development achievements, documents, files, and other information of corresponding projects; 5. Cooperate with the procurement department to complete the cost accounting of structural components, and reduce product costs by improving design schemes and optimizing processes; 6. Cooperate with the procurement department to complete the review and evaluation of new supplier introductions; 7. Responsible for the design, installation, and debugging of tooling and fixtures in product development; 8. Actively participate in team building, summarize and share outstanding achievements in the work process, and share my research experience and insights; 9. Actively propose constructive opinions and suggestions for optimizing the company's system based on the problems encountered in work; Requirements: Nationality required: Non Chinese foreign talent Proposed position: Mechanical Engineer Proposed number of employees: 3 Gender: unlimited Education: Bachelor's degree or above Major: Mechanical, mechatronics, robotics related majors Age: unlimited Other requirements: physical and mental health, good character, no criminal record, and relevant work experience is preferred.
Requirements introduction
Job function: 1. Based on the product ID diagram, complete the structural design, evaluate the processability of the ID, and provide optimization suggestions for the ID; 2. Responsible for product scheme design, structural design, transmission design, evaluation of processing technology, assembly technology, etc; 3. Create a BOM list, review, follow up, and accept the molds, confirm the samples, and confirm the sample recognition letter; 4. Responsible for timely summarizing and archiving the research and development achievements, documents, files, and other information of corresponding projects; 5. Cooperate with the procurement department to complete the cost accounting of structural components, and reduce product costs by improving design schemes and optimizing processes; 6. Cooperate with the procurement department to complete the review and evaluation of new supplier introductions; 7. Responsible for the design, installation, and debugging of tooling and fixtures in product development; 8. Actively participate in team building, summarize and share outstanding achievements in the work process, and share my research experience and insights; 9. Actively propose constructive opinions and suggestions for optimizing the company's system based on the problems encountered in work; Requirements: Nationality required: Non Chinese foreign talent Proposed position: Mechanical Engineer Proposed number of employees: 3 Gender: unlimited Education: Bachelor's degree or above Major: Mechanical, mechatronics, robotics related majors Age: unlimited Other requirements: physical and mental health, good character, no criminal record, and relevant work experience is preferred.
provide welfare
The working hours are eight hours, with weekends and five insurances. During statutory holidays, the company provides a single room dormitory equipped with a tea room to relax during leisure time. The working hours are eight hours, with weekends and five insurances. During statutory holidays, the company also provides a vacation. The company has prepared birthday parties, domestic and international tourism, and annual events (sports meet, ball games, etc.) for employees to develop their professional skills through specialized training and skill training. Enable employees to fully utilize themselves within the Hebei Yiwoke family.


company address:河北省邢台市柏乡县中兴路东段路南

Company profile:河北易沃克机器人科技有限公司是一家从事生产推广,销售推广,服务推广等业务的公司,成立于2020年10月29日,公司坐落在河北省,详细地址为:河北省邢台市柏乡县中兴路东段路南;经国家企业信用信息公示系统查询得知,法人是常雪松,注册资本为5000.000000万人民币,企业的经营范围为:机器人技术开发、生产及销售、服务、咨询、转让、推广;软件开发;应用软件服务;基础软件服务;数据处理(禁止新建和扩建银行卡中心、数据中心;PUE值在1.4以下的云计算数据中心除外);计算机系统服务;工业产品设计;模型设计;销售及租赁机器人、自动化控制设备、机械设备、电子产品、仪器仪表、通讯设备(卫星接收设备除外)、五金产品、金属材料(不含贵重金属)、模具、计算机软硬件及辅助设备;经营自主产品的进出口业务

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