Department physician

education requirement:unlimited
industry field:Other areas
cooperation mode:Hire experts
release unit:河北省人民医院
2023-07-13 08:00:00 6
Position description
(一)Job Description 1.Cardiovascular Physician 2.Sleep and mental health physicians in the four departments of neurology (clinical psychology) 3.Deputy Director of Obstetrics 4.Pathologist (二)Job requirements for recruitment 1.Cardiovascular physicians are required to have a professional title of attending physician or above, proficient in performing coronary and electrophysiological interventions, and to be around 35 years old. 2.Requirements for physicians in the four departments of neurology (clinical psychology): A.Major in Sleep or Psychiatry and Mental Health, with a professional title of attending physician or above, at least 3 years of work experience, around 35 years old. B.Master the international development status of insomnia and be able to independently analyze the patterns of sleep EEG monitoring. C.Proficient in the diagnosis and treatment of psychiatric disorders such as anxiety, depression, insomnia, somatoform disorders, and obsessive-compulsive disorder. D.Having strong scientific research ability, mastering the latest international research progress, and able to drive the overall scientific research ability of the department. E.Having a certain psychological foundation. 3.The deputy director of obstetrics requires a doctoral degree or above, a major in obstetrics or maternal fetal medicine, at least 5 years of clinical and research experience in obstetrics maternal medicine or midwifery, and the age is under 40 years old. Pathologists are required to hold intermediate or higher professional titles, major in molecular pathology, have work experience in molecular pathology testing, and be under the age of 35. The job position focuses on molecular pathology and pathological research, with a focus on molecular pathology detection and interpretation work, while also taking into account some clinical pathological diagnosis work. Proficient in commonly used molecular pathology techniques such as fluorescence in situ hybridization, PCR, and sequencing, able to correctly interpret results. Priority given to those with research direction and foundation.
Requirements introduction
(一)Job Description 1.Cardiovascular Physician 2.Sleep and mental health physicians in the four departments of neurology (clinical psychology) 3.Deputy Director of Obstetrics 4.Pathologist (二)Job requirements for recruitment 1.Cardiovascular physicians are required to have a professional title of attending physician or above, proficient in performing coronary and electrophysiological interventions, and to be around 35 years old. 2.Requirements for physicians in the four departments of neurology (clinical psychology): A.Major in Sleep or Psychiatry and Mental Health, with a professional title of attending physician or above, at least 3 years of work experience, around 35 years old. B.Master the international development status of insomnia and be able to independently analyze the patterns of sleep EEG monitoring. C.Proficient in the diagnosis and treatment of psychiatric disorders such as anxiety, depression, insomnia, somatoform disorders, and obsessive-compulsive disorder. D.Having strong scientific research ability, mastering the latest international research progress, and able to drive the overall scientific research ability of the department. E.Having a certain psychological foundation. 3.The deputy director of obstetrics requires a doctoral degree or above, a major in obstetrics or maternal fetal medicine, at least 5 years of clinical and research experience in obstetrics maternal medicine or midwifery, and the age is under 40 years old. Pathologists are required to hold intermediate or higher professional titles, major in molecular pathology, have work experience in molecular pathology testing, and be under the age of 35. The job position focuses on molecular pathology and pathological research, with a focus on molecular pathology detection and interpretation work, while also taking into account some clinical pathological diagnosis work. Proficient in commonly used molecular pathology techniques such as fluorescence in situ hybridization, PCR, and sequencing, able to correctly interpret results. Priority given to those with research direction and foundation.
provide welfare
Talent benefits basic salary+performance bonus


company address:河北省石家庄市新华区和平西路348

Company profile:河北省人民医院位于河北省石家庄市新华区和平西路348号,始建于1909年,占地面积6.5万平方米,建筑面积近20万余平方米,是一所集医疗、教学、科研、预防、保健、康复、急救于一体的三级甲等综合性医院,是河北省、石家庄市医保和新农合定点医院,是河北医科大学临床医学院、华北理工大学附属医院(非隶属)、河北北方学院附属医院(非隶属),是国家临床药理基地、国家住院医师规范化培训基地、国家全科医师培训基地、国家心血管介入诊疗技术培训基地,先后荣获国家爱婴医院、全国文明单位、全国五一劳动奖状、全国医药卫生系统较为先进集体、全国创先争优较为先进基层党组织、全国百姓放心示范医院、全国优质服务示范医院、全国医院医疗保险服务规范示范单位、全国百佳医院、河北省卫生计生系统先进集体等荣誉称号。

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