English education

education requirement:unlimited
industry field:Other areas
cooperation mode:Hire experts
release unit:河北对外经贸职业学院
2023-06-06 13:38:12 2
Position description
1. Understand knowledge and theories in the field of education; Able to provide teachers and students with lectures, lectures, and tutoring for Chinese English education majors. 2. Age: Under 60 years old; 3. Education and degree: Bachelor's degree or above; 4. Work experience: At least two years of relevant teaching work experience.
Requirements introduction
The working conditions provided include: 1. Monthly salary to be determined based on the employer's degree; 2. Travel allowance; 3. For a contract period of one year (two semesters), the employer will reimburse the employer for one round-trip international air ticket (economy class for the nearest road section); 4. Domestic transportation subsidy; 5. The employer will provide the employer with a separate residence with an independent bathroom. The residence is equipped with a color TV, refrigerator, air conditioning, telephone, free internet interface, bed, and furniture. 6. Party A will purchase comprehensive insurance for Party B during the contract period, including accidental death, accidental injury and hospitalization. 7. The employer provides 300 kWh of electricity free of charge to the employee every month, with unlimited water consumption. 8. The employer is responsible for obtaining a work permit to come to China and a residence permit during the contract period for the employee.


company address:秦皇岛市北戴河新区戴河大街6号

Company profile:<p>河北对外经贸职业学院地处举世闻名的北戴河和南戴河两大避暑胜地的交界处,北依戴河,南濒渤海。学院占地528亩,建筑面积20万平方米,现有教职工500多人,在校生9000多人,馆藏图书58万多册,固定资产总值3.7亿多元,教学仪器设备总额5200多万元。几年来,学院荣获全国巾帼文明岗、国家级语言文字规范化示范校、全国教育改革创新示范院校、河北省文明单位等荣誉30余项。&nbsp;2017年11月被河北省确定为“省级优质校”建设单位。</p><p><br/></p>

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