English Foreign Teacher

education requirement:unlimited
industry field:Education/Training
cooperation mode:Hire experts
release unit:唐山学院
2023-07-16 08:00:00 6
Position description
Requirements: 1. Bachelor's degree or above; 2. Under the age of 55; 3. Mother tongue country; 4. Work 16 hours per week; 5. More than two years of work experience (among them, those who have obtained a bachelor's degree or above in education, language, or teacher training, or obtained a teacher qualification certificate in their home country or a qualified international language TEFL certificate can be exempted from the work experience requirement).
Requirements introduction
Requirements: 1. Bachelor's degree or above; 2. Under the age of 55; 3. Mother tongue country; 4. Work 16 hours per week; 5. More than two years of work experience (among them, those who have obtained a bachelor's degree or above in education, language, or teacher training, or obtained a teacher qualification certificate in their home country or a qualified international language TEFL certificate can be exempted from the work experience requirement).
provide welfare
Benefits: 1. Monthly salary of 7200 RMB; 2. Free accommodation (one bedroom, one living room, with bathroom, kitchen, furniture, cooking utensils, free broadband, and free water and electricity); 3. Employees with a one-year employment period are entitled to one paid vacation; 4. Reimbursement of one economy class international round-trip air ticket from China to the employer's country, which is the closest distance; 5. Annual tourism subsidy of 2200 yuan; 6. The school provides social insurance for them; 7. Apply for a work visa; 8. Provide free Chinese courses; 9. Provide airport pick-up services for initial employment.


company address:唐山市大学 西道9号

Company profile:唐山学院是一所以工为主,工、经、管、文、法、艺等多学科协调发展的公办全日制普通本科院校。学院分为华岩路、大学道、河北路、龙泽南路、新华东道5个校区,占地1038.32亩,校舍建筑面积41.07万平方米。开设45个本科专业和一些相关专科专业。现有教职工总数1427人,其中专任教师1003人。各类在校生19702人,其中普通全日制本、专科学生14048人,成教学生3202人。学科专业方面,工学涵盖机械、电气信息、环境与安全、土建、化工与制药、交通运输、统计学等7个一级学科,经济学涵盖经济学1个一级学科,管理学涵盖工商管理、管理科学与工程2个一级学科,文学涵盖新闻传播学、中国语言文学、外国语言文学等3个一级学科,法学涵盖法学1个一级学科,艺术学涵盖艺术1个一级学科。6大学科门类15个一级学科共建有45个本科专业,其中,工学专业26个,占58%;管理学专业8个,占18%;文学专业7个,占16%;经济学专业1个,占2%;法学专业1个,占2%;艺术学专业2个,占4%。学校拥有3个省级重点发展学科:控制理论与控制工程、机械制造及其自动化和会计学;2个专业综合改革试点项目:土木工程、会计学;1个省级高校本科教育创新高地:机电工程教育创新高地;2个特色专业:电气工程及其自动化、机械设计制造及其自动化。学校拥有2个省级应用技术研发中心:河北省机电液一体化、河北省高校建筑工程与节能;3个省级实验教学示范中心:信息与控制工程、机械工程、环境工程;4个唐山市重点实验室:机电一体化、结构与振动工程、精细化工、微纳米材料制备及应用;1个省级实践教育中心:土木工程实践教育中心。学校还与西南交通大学合作,建设了系统可信性自动验证国家地方联合工程实验室唐山研究中心,正在筹建综合交通运输智能化国家地方联合工程实验室唐山研究中心;建立了唐山市石墨烯应用技术公共服务平台,打造了唐山石墨烯产业公共服务的新名片。近年来,学校努力深化产教融合,校企合作。与中软国际、西安三好软件技术股份有限公司共同开展了教育部产学合作协同育人项目,与唐山启奥科技有限公司共同建立了“启奥班”等。唐山学院网址:Web: http://www.tsc.edu.cn

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