Soil remediation

core technology:Environmental governance
industry field:New materials/New energy
release unit:定州市华昕清洁能源科技有限公司
demand unit:Dingzhou Huaxin Clean Energy Technology Co., Ltd
cooperation mode:Project cooperation
2023-06-06 18:20:28 1
Project description
The background soil of the project is an important material foundation for human production activities, and is an indispensable and difficult to regenerate natural resource. The quality of its management and use directly determines the success or failure of agricultural production and the rise and fall of human civilization. In the past 40 years, with the rapid development of social economy and intensive human activities, the area of soil pollution has been continuously expanding, and the harm has become increasingly serious, affecting the achievement of sustainable development strategic goals. Modern agriculture has changed the original state of nature. In pursuit of high yield and quality, it has led to the widespread use of fertilizers and pesticides, making soil pollution one of the major global environmental problems. China currently has approximately 130 million hectares of arable land, of which approximately 20 million hectares are subject to varying degrees of pollution. The ecological safety issues of agricultural products caused by soil pollution cannot be ignored. Due to the sink effect of soil on environmental pollution, toxic and harmful chemicals in soil are transmitted through the atmosphere and water bodies, posing a threat to the survival, reproduction, and safety of humans and animals. Soil pollution has become one of the main global environmental problems and has attracted high attention from countries around the world. Therefore, carrying out contaminated soil remediation activities is very important for blocking the entry of pollutants into the food chain, preventing harm to human health, and achieving sustainable socio-economic development. The expected annual production target is 50000 tons of biological fertilizers and soil amendments, which can solve the problem of 200000 mu of soil remediation and improvement area and reduce the amount of fertilizer application by 6000 tons. According to the market value, the humic acid is 300 yuan/ton, the average price of NPK, medium and trace elements is 1000 yuan/ton, and the functional bacteria is 25000 yuan/ton. Each ton of bio organic fertilizer production needs to add auxiliary materials to reach 180 yuan/ton. Crop specific fertilizers need to be adjusted based on the growth needs of different crops, and the formula should be adjusted on the basis of biological organic fertilizers. Other elements and bacterial agents should be added as needed. The average cost of crop specific fertilizers for different varieties is about 550 yuan/ton. Soil remediation agents need to be combined with soil testing and added with corresponding elements, with an average production cost of about 700 yuan/ton. The equipment has been customized and a cooperation agreement has been reached with the German LMS consulting company. However, due to the pandemic, the funds have not yet arrived at the factory. The equipment (equipment/personnel/funds) has been customized and a cooperation agreement has been reached with the German LMS consulting company. However, due to the epidemic, the factory has not yet arrived and the funds have been in place. 1、 Company Overview Unit Introduction: Dingzhou Huaxin Clean Energy Technology Co., Ltd. has a registered capital of RMB 189.9 million. In 2016, Huaxin Company constructed a large-scale biological natural gas demonstration project in Dingzhou City using PPP mode, and it was put into operation in May 2017. The project has a total investment of 200 million yuan and covers an area of 132 acres. It can process 200000 tons of manure and 100000 tons of crop straw annually, produce 3.925 million cubic meters of biological natural gas, generate 32 million kilowatt hours of electricity, and produce 42000 tons of biological organic fertilizer. The project is fully put into operation and can achieve an annual output value of 61 million yuan per year.


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Company profile:利用畜禽粪便、秸秆、农村废弃物生产沼气的技术及沼气利用技术的研发;有机肥制造;沼气发电;餐厨废弃物收集、运输、处理;货物进出口;技术进出口(依法须经批准的项目,经相关部门批准后方可开展经营活动) 定州市华昕清洁能源科技有限公司,于2015-12-01在保定市注册成立,距今成立7年2月零9天了。在法人刘亚民经营下,目前公司处于存续,属于科技推广和应用服务业,主营行业为科技推广和应用服务业,员工人数19,注册资本18990.608万人民币。定州市华昕清洁能源科技有限公司办公地址为定州市高蓬镇钮店村北侧、234省道西侧.

  • 2022-11-02 18:02 *** 电话联系了该立项企业
  • 2022-11-02 18:02 *** 电话联系了该立项企业
  • 2022-11-02 18:02 *** 电话联系了该立项企业
  • 2022-11-02 18:02 *** 电话联系了该立项企业
  • 2022-11-02 18:02 *** 电话联系了该立项企业
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